Has anyone used vestibular rehab for dizziness - PNI ORG UK


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Has anyone used vestibular rehab for dizziness

27 Replies

If so did it work

27 Replies
rocky77 profile image


Welcome! Is this in relation to post natal illness / depression? If so is this one of your symptoms?

I also suffered from a variety of physical symptoms incl dizziness. I visited a cranial osteopath which did nothing, however acupuncture really helped especially with a pressure sensation I had behind one of my eyes.

What is vestibular rehab ? I've never heard of it I'm afraid .

in reply to rocky77

Hi / this has been after my c section , never before experienced dizziness

No one can find anything wrong with me hence now it's led to anxiety as I can't go out or do anything as this has taken over my life

The vestibular rehab balances the fluid by doing exercises like Physio really for the brain

This is my last hope, I'm so scared incase it doesn't work

rocky77 profile image

Hi what sort of tests have you had? Could it be something from the epidural ? Some sort of leakage of fluid etc (sorry not medically trained so can't give you technical terms.?) a friend of mine had a very quick birth and afterwards suffered from horrendous vertigo. Eventually she had mri? With dye injected and it was something to do with that. Another male friend has awful vertigo and I think he's had something similar which helps.

It must be hugely debilitating so no wonder you're anxious. Are you getting help and support with that? How old is your baby?

PNI can bring with it strange physical symptoms. It did with me. I'd feel strangely dizzy almost unbalanced but I think that was probably a anxiety symptom.

in reply to rocky77

Hi I've had a rain and spinal scan MRI and also ct scan all luckily normal but that being said I don't have any prognosis on my symptoms

Which is scaring me as I don't know how long I can stand being like this

My baby is 8 weeks and I've felt horrendous since having him I also have a four year old

I'm going to counciling soon but I think the anxiety is down to me not being well not having post nat dep

I do t have much support in family only from hubby who is good but works long hours

I had vestibular rehab yesterday which re trains the eyes to function

rocky77 profile image

How did the treatment go the other day? Have you noticed any changes?

It's positive all the tests have come back negative. With my PNI my physical symptoms preceded the anxiety which like you was caused by the debilitating symptoms I was suffering from, although I had various stresses at the time coupled with exhaustion maybe we're a trigger.

For me after 4 months of struggling I had horrendous anxiety and depression. Out of desperation I took antidepressants and these were the turning point for me. Some of the physical symptoms like feeling spaced out, foggy headed, headaches, numbness, dizziness went quickly. Others like the pressure behind my eye took longer , but overall the antids gave me my life back.

Meds aren't for everyone nor am I a health care practitioner , but maybe talk this over with your dr as an option. I had zero quality of life and this lifted me out of my dark place.

It must be so hard to feel so ill at a time when you want to be enjoying life with your new baby but have hope that things will improve x

Thanks for your support! I've not noticed any difference as yet but have stopped beta blockers as dr wants me to go for ecg now as heard my heart beating irregular

rocky77 profile image

Try not to panic about that. Could it be the anxiety? I know several years ago I went through a stressful even that brought on palpitations and my heart used to go ten to the dozen ! Nightmare! X

rocky77 profile image


How are you getting on? Is the dizziness any better after the treatment ? How are you in yourself? X

in reply to rocky77

Hi I had a good day Tuesday there's no dizziness

Then yesterday it came back with a vengeance and today ten thanks new worse

I know this vertigo is causing anxiety for a fact as I don't know when I'm going to be better I'm scared

rocky77 profile image

Do you have another appt? Maybe call the person who did the treatment for advice. Possibly you'll need top up sessions , maybe this is normal ? But you need to know .

It's no wonder it's triggered this anxiety. It sounds incredibly debilitating. Maybe it's worth talking to dr about managing it? X

rocky77 profile image

How are you doing? X

in reply to rocky77

Still No better, yesterday on the dizziness went I was so thrilled but then it came back early hours

rocky77 profile image

Maybe it's working albeit slowly? Perhaps keep a diary so you can see how you're the dizziness and your mood are progressing. It'll be something to show GP also.

I can't remember if I said that exercise helped me hugely with the physical symptoms. I know if you're feeling that dizzy it's hard to do anything but it may worth thinking about what you could do and seeing if that helpsx

I'm walking every day sometimes for an hour

I'm trying

I just want the fuzz to go

rocky77 profile image

That's really good. I suffered from foggiheadedness amongst other symptoms. I noticed that cardio exercise seemed to get rid of that the best . I would go into an exercise class with a head full of cotton wool and headachy and leave feeling normal x

in reply to rocky77

And are you feeling normal now??

rocky77 profile image

Yes. I've been recovered for 10 yrs now. The only legacy I would say is I get pmt which I didn't have pre PNI . But who's to say I would have got that anyway? I also took antidepressants which made a big difference especially initially. X

rocky77 profile image

How are you doing? X

Hiya - the cranial therapy was lovely on Thursday, I felt all the nerves in my neck pulsating and twitching

Friday I had no dizziness, but then today it's started again 😢

I'm seeing the osteopath on Monday and then cranial again Thursday

I've also just taken my first diazepam tablet (bupa prescribed them the other day)

rocky77 profile image

So pleased you found the cranial osteopathy helpful. Definately worth going back to if it helped. It might take several sessions to fully notice any positive changes. I visited an cranial osteopath for my physical symptoms although I didn't notice any improvements (it was a miracle for my youngest son's colic!) I tried acupuncture which worked wonders the first time for the pressure sensation behind one eye.

It must be disappointed that the symptoms returned but fingers crossed the improvements continue x

in reply to rocky77

I went out yesterday and I think I had a panic attack

Not been out in 10 weeks it was awful. Was so glad to be home

I was a very confident lady until all this happened

I'm heartbroken

rocky77 profile image

Having a panic attack after such a long time at home is not surprising. Home has become your safe place - venturing outside has become scary. I was the same. I would feel sick after leaving the house, it would feel as if my vision changed and I'd get dizzy. But I overcame this and you will too.

If you can try and get out every day even if for a few mins to start off with. Try and control your breathing and focus on the things around you. So look at a tree, look st it's shape, is it moving, what are the leaves like etc. Maybe take someone with you to start off with. You can do it but don't beat yourself up if it's hard or you can't do it. Baby steps forward x

Dr prescribed amitriptylin but reading side effects it's saying can cause dizziness now that's how this all started due to vertigo so now I'm worrying before i even taje it 😢

rocky77 profile image

I'm so sorry I've just seen this post as didn't receive a notification .

There's a pretty good chance you won't suffer side effects badly and dizziness might not be one of them .

How have you been? Have you started on the meds? Keeping everything crossed for youx

in reply to rocky77

Hiya I've started them had a good day yesterday I drive to my sons school!!!! I was able to pick him up

Yippeeeee but the dizziness unfortunately is still there lingering

I got up this morning and I'm wooozy not as much as previous but it's still there

rocky77 profile image

It will take time for meds to adjust and for symptoms to abate. What a great positive start for you - so pleased ! Onwards and upwardsx

Hope so!

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