Does anyone have any advice on leg wounds? I am 83 years old and I had one on my lower left leg a couple of years ago which took 5 months to heal. I now have another, smaller one, on the inside of my left knee which is also taking a long time to heal - 3 months so far. I have managed to get down to 7 and a half on pred but its been a hard struggle with one or two relapses. thanks to all for your good advice
Leg wounds: Does anyone have any advice on leg... - PMRGCAuk
Leg wounds

It depends very much on what caused the wound, whether it is a cut, a skin flap or ragged lump and if there is tissue loss, just for starters. Size is important and what it looks like. No wound is the same as another, so a bit of info helps. Healing is affected by various things too. What did you dress it with initially and what does it look like? Have you had it looked? That is the ideal option.

Unfortunately Pred and age can make healing difficult, but as SnazzyD says it needs looking at by a professional - doesn't need to be GP, the practice nurse is the one to see initially.

As SnazzyD says, all depends.
Are you under a practice nurse who specialises in wound care? Has it been assessed?
Yes it has been looked at by a doctor at my surgery. I was treating it myself but she saw it when I went in for swollen ankles. It started off as a graze but had turned into a scab and I was keeping it uncovered during the day but covering it at night. She called a nurse to put a dressing on it. I didn't really want that to happen because I knew from experience that it could take months to heal going down that road. So, to cut a long story short I am back to treating it myself, leaving it uncovered during the day (I'm usually wearing trousers) but covering it at night. It has been a scab for a few weeks now but is getting smaller and smaller and I think it may be completely healed in about one week. I cover it every night using a non-adherent dressing, with microtape to keep it in place, then some very soft padding and finally a sleeve stocking to keep it all in place while I sleep. It does seem to be working but it's still taking a long time! Oh and I also keep it dry, even when bathing. Needless to say I am now very very careful not to get any more leg wounds ...
mum gets them often now with fragile skin. They are taking 2 months or so to heal but always covered and changed as needed by nurses. Watch out for blistering if u have odema as that bursts v easily…and be careful of infection if ur leaving uncovered… u say prevention is better! Are u on a good moisturiser?
I had one nasty one on my leg that looked like a shark had been at me after I had a new hip, caused by a clamp they used during the operation. That took six months to heal. I then had another new hip again accompanied by another shark bite and another six months healing. I had the district nurse each time and they used silver and medical honey which really did seem to help.