Over the past 2-3 weeks I have developed "trigger finger" in my right hand ring finger. Not particularly painful, but very stiff in the morning and sometimes dull ache up right arm. Dr. Google tells me this is caused by inflammation. Have any other PMR sufferers had this condition and how was it treated, if at all. Am on 5mg PRED plus Leflumonide, after almost 4 years of PMR. Any advice please.
Trigger Finger: Over the past 2-3 weeks I have... - PMRGCAuk
Trigger Finger

I have got trigger thumb, initially it just clicked, but now sometimes I cannot move it at all and it is quite painful. I did ask my GP about it and she offered me Naproxen and said exercise it, which I can’t any more.

have some suggestions for home remedies that are worth trying.
I had it in my index finger at one time but it improved a lot and I hardly notice it now.
Long before PMR I had trigger finger. Doctor suggested I might need surgery - snip the offending tendon. That was not on as far as I was concerned. Off to physiotherapist, a young woman who made another apointment for me and when I went back she showed me how I could massage the place where the tendon was catching. (She had been researching before second appointment). Within a few days the issue was completely resolved. It did occur a couple more times later, but has not been a problem for years. I might not have been able to locate the correct place for massage so if you can't, get a trained professional to help. It was not, if I recall, where I would have thought of looking back then, but now I know more so could probably find place if any of my fingers decide to act up these days.
I had a trigger thumb a few years back. I didn’t have PMR then. Had to be injected to stop it. Wasn’t painful just annoying
I now have trigger finger, middle finger of hand that I had carpal tunnel surgery on , like a year ago, also, some small hard bumps on the palm of that hand, rheumy says need surgery again?? which I am not too keen on now, so not sure what cause carpal tunnel, which was severe and had for months before the surgery, numbness finally went from hand though eventually, but I had carpal tunnel on right hand, 40 years ago, when 8 months pregnant with my daughter, so, not sure what really causes it, guess there are a few possibilities
I have 3 trigger fingers, and they are very painful. At present they are being treated with Cortisone shots. The Doctor will only do each finger 3 times, after that surgery will be done. I was told that it is very simple surgery. The shots last about a year. The latest one took about 2 weeks to feel better after the shot. I have been in remission from PMR for close to 5 years. The trigger fingers came after remission.
Hi Mary, I have trigger finger in both hands. My doctor sent me for tests because at the time my PMR was in remission. It turns out I have developed carpal tunnel syndrome; very severe in the right and extremely severe in the left. Like you I don't find it painful, but it is very inconvenient when it locks and I'm holding a hot cup of coffee. It is so annoying not being able to put the cup down.I don't have any particular treatment for it, but sometimes when it locks I can manually manipulate it with the opposite hand.