I really can’t believe that at the same time as easing lockdown the government have announced those shielding can now go out . Surely they should be considering general health, age and other factors rather than a blanket policy. I for one won’t be rushing out.
Blanket policy for shielders !! Can’t be right. - PMRGCAuk
Blanket policy for shielders !! Can’t be right.

Ditto me too. Not enough scientific evidence for me to go out just yet.
I stopped listening to them, once they brought the 'lockdown' in too late and I do not blame the 'Scientific Advisors' - I could throw something at the telly or radio - when I hear 'we are following scientific advice' - No they are not, they are weighing up the odds and making the decision which suits the over riding principle - £'s and $.
My rant for the past 9 weeks over.................but not our lockdown.
When PMRpro alerted me to Italy - that was it we shut down - stashed tinned stuff and filled freezer. Never thought about toilet rolls............. but there is always a solution:
In days of old when Knights were bold and 📰📰📰 was not invented
You scraped your bum along the road and walked off quite contented.
"toilet rolls and solution".
The first time I heard about people stashing away toilet rolls I started saving the newspaper (remembrance of the war days).👵🏻 Not used one sheet yet😂 but it's there in case of emergencies!
Just don't put newspaper or kitchen roll down the loo!!!!
Wouldn't think of it! Heaven forbid it would even come to that.😂😂
Haven't heard much about toilet paper shortages recently. Is anyone still having trouble?
You reminded me of in the war when you went to some people's houses and they had cut newspaper into neat rectangles and threaded it on to a piece of string at one corner and hung it up.
When we went to my Grandma's (from about 6 years old) she always got me to do that job. Newspaper sheets cut into neat squares then (she had a little 'thing' that cut a neat hole) and spread the string through.
Can't ever remember using newspaper at home - must have had a secret supply of toilet paper.😂😂
Many people were very poor in those days in a way that noone is now with the welfare state. I remember seeing children with nothing on their feet.
You said it jinasc, and it is so true, £'s and $, over sound science.
I get the same feeling of disgust as you do, when I hear the lies and rubbish this government spews out.
Take care,
I agree absolutely. In trepidation for my Year 6 grandson who went back to school today -albeit only for half a day - like all the other decisions, those on schools seem arbitrary, Year 6 I can understand as they are making as switch next year but why the very little ones who cannot do social distancing? It's definitely the money that's the top consideration for the government and I'm glad that the scientists are refusing to bear the load for this any more.
I'm not going anywhere nor am I taking notice of the much vaunted and pathetic daily briefings which serve to confuse rather than enlighten.
bravo Maria, the same here, those daily briefings are not only pathetic and useless, they are also arrogant!
They are arrogant because any relevant question posed to them, is skewed with nonsensical repetitive drivel, offensive to one's intelligence.
Yeah, as you said, why the little ones, what do they understand about the importance of physical distancing? But that does not matter, important thing is that mum and dad should be free to go back to work....
Makes you sick.
Even when honest scientists distance themselves from such arbitrary decisions, the government goes on its merry way.
We just have to take our own counsel.
No blanket policy in Northern Ireland yet, and I have, despite being shielded, have gone out, due to necessity. Really funny seeing people wearing masks and gloves - just stops them from spreading it doesn't stop them from, getting it
81 cases 3 deaths all in care homes
I think I can go out and isolate
Gloves are useless - except to save quite as much gel as long as you use the gloves properly and chuck them after single use ...
Have you seen the meme on FB of a man standing at the checkout with his trolley - wearing gloves, holding a packet of crisps in one gloved hand and eating a crisp with the other gloved hand ...
I think they are talking about the people they wrote to and told them to not go out at all. They were sent weekly food boxes. People are now upset as they will be stopping the food boxes. I only know one person who was getting a food box and I think they gave quite a lot of it away to Foodshare.
The food boxes or delivery of medication aren’t being stopped for those that need them. They asked if you had help at the beginning then I had 4 txt last week, not sure what would have happened if you were desperate

As someone said on the radio this morning - it’s not mandatory!
It’s personal choice, and I imagine most sensible people will make the right choice for them.
Unfortunately because of the action of certain people in the public eye, the government’s policies and credence has gone to hell in a handcart.
Dorset’s had its fair share of idiots recently - yesterday in particular!
I could barely believe my eyes when I saw the footage yesterday. 😳
There’s always a few that try this every summer- but now when it puts even more frontline workers in danger is beyond belief.
The council has been trying to dissuade visitors at the moment (obviously falling on deaf ears - and I can understand why) - but efforts thwarted by a private landowner who opened up the car park at DD when the ‘free to drive as far as you want’ message came out - which meant council had to follow suit to stop on-road parking!
Here the private carpark owner made access ticket only, limiting numbers. It didn't stop people they blocked the lanes through the village, parking on yellow lines and accepting the fine as part of the cost of a day out.
I don't know about you but I won't be able to travel far from home until it's safe to use public toilets!
😂🤣😂 not quite that bad....but I would like to be able to walk along the sea wall again without a load of hooligans.
Hear hear from Southend 😰
It was seeing those images with not a PC in sight compared with the silent protest in Parliament Sq that got me: police threatening the participants with fines when they were standing individually and with the requisite distance between them!
Trouble is, we’ve got too many beaches in Dorset, and not enough police......for the current situation!
Oh yes - but they didn't have to persecute the others who WERE distancing ...
No they didn’t .. but there’s a different mindset . and maybe interpretation of guidance- between the Metropolitan police and Dorset police!
I know local PCC was steaming when “drive as far as you like” came out - meant they couldn’t turn anyone around on the county border - which they’d been doing before.
Don't worry, trust your area and weather etc. The whole shielding scheme is due to stop in a fortnight
The last advice given was until June 30th - they moved the goalposts!
That's what I just heard. 30th june and to review on the 15th
I received a text a good couple of weeks ago to say it was June 30th.
4th paragraph 'Staying at home and shielding' still states the June 30th date, but that the advice is being regularly monitored.
I think we must use our own judgement, my cardiologist said l must walk, Rheumatologist & GP said stay in at all costs, l’ve worn a path around my lawn but it’s the people with no gardens l feel sorry for.
Truth is l don’t think anyone really knows!

We never had shielding and here in the region where I live the lockdown came very early in comparison to most places - but everyone was told to stay at home except for shopping for essentials, which meant I have never felt unsafe going to the supermarket. For a while we had to remain within 2-400m of the front door.
Now we must wear a face covering and bars and restaurants must impose distancing except between members of the same household. Life is getting back to more like normal - except the greatest blessing at present (for us but not the hospitality industry) is the lack of tourists which means there is room in the shops! We haven't even had Italians here!
There is a notable difference between the villages and the town - though town wasn't as bad as I expected when I had to go in on Friday. I shan't be changing my habits - face covering (required), handwashing when I come in from being out and keeping away from other people as much as possible. There will be cases for the foreseeable future, because 40-50% of cases are symptom-free and they will continue to spread the virus, many will be undetected. And you don't know who they are - so you have to assume EVERYONE else may have it.
That’s the big issue I feel hasn’t been addressed here whilst they occasionally mention a symptomatic , they have never really focused on having to think everyone potentially does have it which I feel would be a better message to put across. Great to hear things are improving in Italy . We could have learnt so much, but unfortunately that’s not been the case
Quite - I sat here screaming at the TV. We could see what was happening and the UK had 3 weeks advance warning at least. It was wasted.
I and OH sat with the head of the local hospital lab services in the first week of March and the topic of conversation was asymptomatic cases and potential spread. It was obvious to anyone with any background in science - I can only assume the scientists were being very "I'm writing a science paper" and while I would have picked up what they meant, the politicians with no science training simply didn't ...
Dear Devoid,
I have just, a few days ago, received a Letter informing me that 'Despite' the easing of Lockdown, 'Shielding' is still current. It wasn't put, quite like that, but that was the Gist.
I had a phone call on Saturday asking how I was coping and did I still need a food box. He also confirmed that I should stay at home until June 30th and said that might be extended if needed. 2 hours later I heard that the advice was to go out for a walk!!! Confusing eh.
Also what will replace the food at the food bank that I have been redirecting each time I had a delivery. Also my neighbour.
If you listen carefully you will realise it wasn’t a blanket policy to go out freely, just a suggestion that if you felt it right for you then it’s been judged safe enough for you to go for a short walk or sit in the front garden and talk to your neighbours
As with most things the government have said, it was changed from Saturday evening to what was said in Sunday’s daily briefing. I have no intention of changing anything until the numbers are actually reducing and they get to grips with track and trace. Unfortunately a lot of vulnerable people are just that and shouldn’t be adding their anxiety heightened by poor communication and a desperation led by the economy
They seem to be a long way from getting to grips with test,track and trace. According to an article in The Guardian by one of the newly hired 'trackers' they have so far had no training and are doing nothing while waiting for systems to be fixed. Shambolic and dangerous to be lifting restrictive advice on the basis of a non existent system. So much of what we are told seems to be smoke and mirrors .
Same here Devoid, couldn't agree more!
It's all just a knee jerk reaction, politically motivated, no real concern for human lives.
I certainly do not trust this two-faced government. I make my own decisions.
And my decision at the moment is to stay put.
I’m staying put for at least any2 weeks , much to early to lift the lockdown , in my opinion x
Well luckily its not compulsory! But it would be nice to see a little sunshine....
. even if we are wearing a prote tive mask