Lemon: Can eating sherbet lemon sweets upset my... - PMRGCAuk


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Can eating sherbet lemon sweets upset my joints as they ache so much and I have eaten quite a few

46 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

Sugar adversely affects me I’m sure and acidic things. Not sure about the science though.

SnazzyD profile image

High sugar aggravates inflammation amongst many other things . If it wasn’t an issue diabetes wouldn’t cause so many problems. I don’t think there is any research that has measured the effect of lemon sherbets.

Blearyeyed profile image

I am giggling as it's the sort of thing I ask myself but of course you could be quite serious.

Not sure that lemon sherbets are a specific trigger for joint pain , or at least I hope not.

Eating too much sugar or acidic foods can upset your stomach if it is sensitive though , and any upset in other parts of your body can make you more tense and that can increase the joint pain , so you never know.

Maybe you should lay off the Sherbet Lemons on a grand scale and see if it makes you feel better and try a Chocolate Lime or a Rhubarb and Custard instead xx 😘😋😁

scats profile image
scats in reply to Blearyeyed

Surely the lemon would count as one of your five a day, but then that would apply to the lime and rhubarb too!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to scats

Sounds perfect to me , add a pineapple cube , and a rosy Apple ball you could have your five a day and a whole fruit salad!😋😁😂😂😂

Not that it would be that good for our sugar levels but the wellbeing alone of eating our childhood favourites might make it worth it.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to scats

Trust it to be you two!!

PMRpro profile image


Chihuahua1 profile image
Chihuahua1 in reply to PMRpro

Well someone had to moderate this conversation, so it might as well be be you. :D :D :D

Sugar can be poison, particularly refined and in large amounts. Weight, heart and joint health...all potentially adversely affected. Maybe time to consider other options.

If you ate a lot, especially as pred kicking in then your blood sugar would zoom up. It makes a lot of things hurt. Joints, toes, neck. I daren't buy them as I would be tempted to scoff them and given I have diabetes it wouldn't be good! There's nothing like a bit of sour fruity sweetie or blackcurrant and liquorice sweet. Sadly not a choice now. Let someone else have them and have the occasional sweet or a bit if dark chocolate with the orange or ginger in it from green and blacks.

alvertta profile image

Avoid sugar.

alvertta profile image

I just did 7 days of NO SUGAR. In any form. I cannot believe how much better I feel.

More energy. Less fuzzy brain. Try it. I Plan to stay off sugar.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to alvertta

Pat on the back , well done you x

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to alvertta

Wow! Really impressed with your self discipline. Don’t think I could do it...😀👍🎈

Floridafan profile image
Floridafan in reply to alvertta

When you say not any form of sugar does that include not eating any fresh fruit?

alvertta profile image
alvertta in reply to Floridafan

Once a day fresh fruit. No fruit juice.

JanboC profile image

I buy sugar free sherbet lemons, butterscotch, mints, rhubarb & custard and cappuccino flavoured sweets. They are so yummy !

alvertta profile image
alvertta in reply to JanboC

I buy sugar free throat lozenges for when I have a cold too.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to JanboC

Do be careful with sugar free sweets though as they can be as bad for you as the sugar filled ones depending on which artificial sweeteners are used for different reasons.

My OH is a Type 1 Diabetic and he was taught early on that use of them was better avoided .

Artificially sweetened foods often substitute sugar for fats and most artificial sweeteners have a laxative quality .

Diet drinks and sweets containing aspartame can cause an impact on kidney function and headaches that go with this.

So when choosing a yummy sweet try and find ones that are sweetened with more naturally derived sweeteners like Stevia .

You can have the treats without the potential stomach ache or trips to the toilet.

Pmrmolly2018 profile image

Me to! Try Aldi no sugar sherbet lemon sweets...gives me a fix without the sugar fix. Lots of other sugar free treats!

JanboC profile image
JanboC in reply to Pmrmolly2018

They are the ones that I buy, not keen on their mints though, so I get them from Morrisons! I am addicted to them all lol.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to JanboC

Misery here to say you need to watch out for the artificial sweetners too. They will trigger insulin production (expectation, like Pavlov's dogs) and can still cause weight gain ...

FRnina profile image
FRnina in reply to PMRpro

Yes, you're right! You have to be careful. On the packet of the health-food biscuits it says on the front in big letters 'No sugar' but guess what- when you read the small type at the back you find 'artificial sweeteners' listed! It's hard dealing with those sugar cravings.

in reply to PMRpro

I stepped sideways and decided to avoid saying that. 🤑🤗

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Coward ;)

in reply to PMRpro


JanboC profile image
JanboC in reply to PMRpro

Luckily my weight has been stable for the last ten years, and my sugar levels are fine. I have used artificial sweeteners for the past 30 years and drink quite a lot of lager which is full of carbs. Guess I must be one of the lucky ones.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to JanboC

Even with pred? And sugar is pro-inflammatory, so not eating it should help there too. Your blood levels only show your body is producing insulin and it is not insulin-resistant, Doesn't mean it is good for you though.

Marcy47 profile image
Marcy47 in reply to PMRpro

Eating too many sweets with artificial sweeteners can give you loose motions, not good.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marcy47

I do warn people about that too!!!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRpro

Yes , just added that point higher up .

In fact , the spike in metabolic function in the digestive system caused by drinking diet drinks with artificial sweeteners is being seriously researched as a cause for adding to obesity and weight loss issues rather than helping in weight loss.

The artificial sweetener activates digestive function which makes you feel more hungry and the urge to eat more or need for a snack because of that " hunger" not being satisfied is increased.

S4ndy profile image

I gave up artificial sweeteners sometime ago. I found I got less cramps in my muscles and felt better. Then in came the "sugar tax" in the uk and manufacturers scrambled to avoid it by changing all their recipes. Its almost impossible to avoid.

I used to enjoy an occasional can of San Pelligrino Blood Orange (yes I know its sugar) but now its been changed in the uk with artificial sweeteners added. Luckily its sucralose and not aspartame or zylitol. Recently we were in France and I bought a pack in the supermarche and guess what? No artificial sweeteners.

I don't drink a lot usually in restaurants when everyone is on alcohol but I can't have it I will order one as a treat.

I refuse to be ill and miserable so I haven't completely given up sugar and I love butter on fresh bread.

Everything in moderation is my way plus I tend not to eat things that I couldn't reproduce in my kitchen using the ingredients list on the pack :)

I like chocolate too which I count as medicine :D

in reply to S4ndy

Moderation very hard but I agree. You can't avoid things ALL the time....it just makes the rebel in me want it more. 😜

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to S4ndy

Sugar content in drinks just makes me miserable - finally found a tonic made with a low level of sugar and no artificial stuff but the price is a bit eye watering! But the same applies for any sweetened drinks, too sweet, especially with artificial. Water - bubble for posh drink, tap otherwise.

S4ndy profile image
S4ndy in reply to PMRpro

Fever Tree Tonic is the one I found with sugar not artificial stuff. Its expensive and pointless without Gin ;)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to S4ndy

Fentimans premium India tonic water - from Hexham. Has less sugar than even their other varieties. And it is fit to drink even without the G bit.

Did you know there are alcohol-free gins now?


which I would love to try. It's the taste I like ...

S4ndy profile image
S4ndy in reply to PMRpro

I love Fentimans Rose Lemonade. Another treat for special occasions :) Gin without alcohol.....hmmm really!

Aldi selling Gin and Tonic ice lollies! I looked but didn't buy :)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to S4ndy

How very disciplined! Somehow don't think Aldi Italy will have them ...

DianeA1 profile image

I ate too many M&Ms and now have a blocked salivary gland...sugar is poison.

Cross-stitcher profile image

I so agree with S4ndy - chocolate IS medicine for me, but as with all "pills", overdosing can be fatal...………….

How are your joints today windowlene? All I have been thinking about is sherbet lemons!🍬

Dontwannabesick profile image

I sympathise. I am becoming almost obsessed by a longing for cornflakes. No one in our hosehold eats them so I can't even sneak one guilty bowl, and I know that if I bought a box self discipline would go out of the window. I WANT SOME !

in reply to Dontwannabesick

Wander past and into a hotel at breakfast time and act like you belong 🤣🤣🤣

Dontwannabesick profile image
Dontwannabesick in reply to

You are a genius !

in reply to Dontwannabesick


nickm001 profile image

I follow simple rule... everything in moderation. I did not give up occupational sweets or glass of wine or two. Life is too short to give up nice things.

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