Just down.: Don't know why? Maybe everthing. Came... - PMRGCAuk


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Just down.

morrison profile image
21 Replies

Don't know why? Maybe everthing. Came down to 8mgs today. And so tired and fed up and exhausted . Sorry for my rant x

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morrison profile image
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21 Replies
Telian profile image

Hi Morrison

I am sorry you feel so low but don't be sorry.

I'm sure it's the steroids making you feel this way, the exhaustion and feeling fed up I'm afraid is your body adjusting to the reduction, it usually takes a few days at least but will start to go. For me it was a mixture of feeling better because I was getting lower on the steroids I was more alert to the symptoms and how bad I felt and that's the depressing thing - it's not a good feeling at all. Be assured it will pass but only when it's ready. That's why plenty of rest and pampering yourself is the best prescription. There is no miracle cure just plenty of you time. Others will be along soon with similar advice I know.

I hope you soon start to feel better. If it gets too bad then go and see your GP for reassurance but I'm sure he/she will say the same.

Best wishes

morrison profile image
morrison in reply to Telian

Thank you. Just feeling very low x

Telian profile image

Sorry Morrison I meant to ask you by how many had you reduced? I'm thinking it might be 1mg. If it is then see how you go and don't reduce again until the symptoms have fully settled then perhaps go for 0.5 reduction next time. You'll need to cut the tablets in half as long as they're not enteric coated. This has worked for me this week, it still gives me pred head but the symptoms are less severe. Probably why it's taking me two goes to say something!

morrison profile image
morrison in reply to Telian

Been there. Cut tablets in even quarters to help. X

morrison profile image

I think perhaps just stress. With what I have been through recently

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to morrison

Sorry didn't know about those so think you're right - plenty of rest when it allows!

All the best

SheffieldJane profile image

You have been through a lot of life changes lately Janette. As a species we don’t much like upheaval, it unsettles us. Just be kind and gentle with yourself particularly in the first few days after reducing. Have you moved yet? Or is there still uncertainty?

You’re not alone. Even at this ungodly hour.

morrison profile image
morrison in reply to SheffieldJane

Thank you Jane . Not good speak tomorrow

morrison profile image
morrison in reply to morrison

Just feeling so low

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to morrison

Moving IS an upheaval - I should know, we’ve moved 18 times since we married (61 years ago). We’ e been in our present place for two and a half months and there are boxes everywhere. We always make sure the sitting room, bedroom and kitchen are fine - the rest can wait!

Hope you enjoy your new home.

All the best fr Constance. 💐💐

Hindags profile image

So hard to keep mood up when energy is low and depletion reigns. Add change to the mix and it feels overwhelming and vulnerable.

I can expect to feel like crying when I start a taper. And in that taper induced low mood I can tell myself some pretty awful stories about my status and outlook. I try not to think at these times as the brain just dips into negative scenarios.

I rewatched some of my favorite episodes of Outlander, tv program this weekend. A mood altering activity for me. :) That helped.

Sorry to hear that Morrison, you can go back to your previous dose, no harm in that. There maybe outside factors affecting you & we sometimes blame the Pred or the Reduction but if you do have other issues go back to your last dose & stay there a while. 💐

Best Wishes

Mrs N 💅🏼

CT-5012 profile image

Absolutely no need to apologise. Sorry you were having a bad time. Is it a good time to try to reduce with all that has been going on in your life recently? I know it’s tempting after a really good day but this annoying disease seems to wait until we are feeling good to decide to bite us on the bum. So an arm round your shoulders a big virtual hug and some 💐 all good wishes that you feel much better soon.

Bob-Doc profile image

Hi Morrison and all on this site.

I have managed to bring down all my inflammation to zero and put a spring in my step.

I’m presently on 3mg Prednisolone and aim to drop to 2mg next week. My blood pressure is also down from 140/100 to 128/72 😊

This is what I’m doing/taking; Omega 3 fish oil 2000mg two in morning two evening, OptiMSM 500mg one morning one evening, Calcium Magnesium plus Zinc twice a day.

Moringa 100mg twice a day and I wash all this down with Vitamin B Fizzy in the morning and plain water evenings.

In addition I have Turmeric 100% Juice 30ml a day in my coffee (I use Turmeric Gold from dynamic health). Also I have a soft gel capsule 25mg CBD x one a day (evening)

Also one cup of bone broth a day .

I have also cut down high carbs which causes inflammation.

I hope this helps you as much as it does me.

Longtimer profile image

How interesting, I do know the carbs help with less inflammation...will take note of other things you are taking, but be careful with the 1mg drop, it seems a lot from 3mg, wouldn`t want you to mess up what you have gained....good luck.

S4ndy profile image

Janette, I know how you feel. I know how bad I felt when I was going through the DWP process and guess you have other things too. I ended up just turning up and crying in my gp's surgery waiting room as I was so so low. I think stress + pred is a very bad combination for us PMR/GCA sufferers. Luckily my surgery recognised what was happening to me and doubled my sertraline dose and suggested I took more amitriptalyne to help me sleep. I am glad I did what I was told (I am a stubborn cow at the best of times) and it did help.

I know that at the time everything upset me, everything stressed me out and I was feeling literally at war with my body and mind.

The thing I found most helpful was talking over things with a friend who happens to be a Buddhist Chaplin and regular meditation.

Also accepting that none of the "stuff" going in with my body was my fault. The DWP wasn't my fault, that's the way the government had decided to treat the sick and disabled. The Dalai Lama says about worry if you can do something about a situation, no need to worry, if you cannot do anything about something, then no need to worry as its not in your control. I thought about this a lot and it helped me see how much I was generating anxiety about stuff beyond my control. Not an easy practice to let it all go but think it saved me from continuing to spiral downwards.

Do hope you start to feel brighter soon. Lots of love Sandy xxx


Jackoh profile image

So sorry you feel so low. You have so much going on at the moment Morrison it's not surprising that it can all be too much. Perhaps wait a little bit to see if you feel so low because of the reduction and if it continues perhaps as folk have said go back to where you were- which isn't very high. You can always start the reduction later. No problem ranting- it helps to share and I think we've all been there. Be kind and patient with yourself if you can . Xx

Hey I am so sorry... I was so busy being "high," I missed that you were down... : (

Rant on Lady, I think you deserve a good ol fashioned RANT! Better out than in!

I did see most your recent post that things look brighter today and that made me smile!


morrison profile image
morrison in reply to

Bloody pred. It has a lot to answer for!!!. Good one day.... bad the next. But we can't deal with life without it. So glad you're feeling good. Stop looking over your shoulder, there is nothing bad about to happen. I'll be expecting you next week to come and be my housekeeper. I can then watch out for you and look over my shoulder for you I stead. OK? Xx

in reply to morrison


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