How old were you when diagnosed with PMR? - PMRGCAuk
How old were you when diagnosed with PMR?

Hi. This is a poll we did about 3 years ago and we'd like to see whether the patterns have changed at all. Thanks for responding!

This is an incomplete question Kate - it isn't knowing when you were diagnosed that is as important as when the symptoms started. I had had it for over 5 years before being diagnosed - it still keeps me in the 50-59 age bracket. Just.
Hi. Yes, people can wait a long time for diagnosis, but the question we are asking is specifically about diagnosis, repeating the question we asked before. Perhaps if there is anyone else like PMRpro whose onset of symptoms would put them in a younger age bracket, you could reply below or send me a private message?
Of course - I forgot to mention before that we are a skewed population in any case! Online surveys are notoriously biased - it'll change in about 20+ years but I hope to goodness I don't still need the forum
Definitely! No claims to being scientific! But isn't it interesting to see we have a response from somebody 90 or over. My Dad is nearly 89 and spends most of his waking hours on the computer - so things are changing.
I am hoping that with awareness that you can have PMR in your 50's you might get diagnosed a bit more promptly. This might not produce scientific data but I would trust it more than my G.P.s sweeping statements that start with 'Generally' or 'in my experience !'
I was diagnosed with pmr/ gca at 66 but looking back I can see that I certainly was suffering with pmr for several years before the diagnoses.
I was diagnosed PMR/GCA at 63, but can actually think of PMR symptoms that surfaced at least 3 yrs before!
Although this is a good poll to have, it will not be a true reflection of those over a certain age that are possibly not as computer literate as others, and therefore do not use IT, or use the forum.
Very Interesting.
Diagnosed at 68 after more than a year of serious symptoms and repeated trips to the doctor.
What about those of us who only have GCA? Do you want us to respond or will you be doing a separate poll?
i had symptoms for about 4 months. Every time I went to the doc I was told it was a virus. Eventually I was talking to a friend one day and she said it sounds just like PMR. I had never heard of it before. I looked it up, went to a different doc, told him my symptoms and asked for a blood test. When the results came he diagnosed PMR !
was diagnosed at age 54 with GCA but I had PMR symptoms a couple of years prior to that.
I self diagnosed age 61 however for 4 years previously GP diagnosed CFS finally agreed with me started on Preds and within 4 hours like a new woman.
Interesting how the 50-59 age bracket has grown Kate.
I'd like to also see a 'what month ' of the year were people diagnosed poll.
So many seem to begin symptoms from September to the Winter months.
In the 4th year now and the PMR is still active.
56 years old.
I hadn't seen this since I joined the forum and think it worth 'reviving' this thread for others to participate. Agree can't regard as 'scientific' and it doesn't tell us how many years prior to diagnosis we may have had PMR - but it certainly highlights (so far anyway ) that this is NOT (necessarily) a 'disease of old age' - but often (especially given long prior periods without or incorrect diagnosis) of 'middle age' .
Oh dear I see the 'GCA' poll put up at around the same time as the PMR poll about a year ago was also a bit messy as many seemed to confuse it with the PMR one - but nevertheless there is potential for some of this kind of 'raw research' to be conducted here and on similar forums as 'results' may be interesting - but just can't be regarded as 'gospel'.
I should be in the 60-69 bracket