is there any history of Pernicious A... - Pernicious Anaemi...
is there any history of Pernicious Anaemia in the family ?
Please select one:
Not diagnosed but, with hindsight, suspected in my father and his mother and sister.
I am unable to to take part in this one as am adopted and have no info on family history but will be really interested to see the results.
Not able to tick more than one...not all family possibilties are included anyway, I would have ticked: my father, 2 aunts, grandmother, daughter.
Where's the 'no' or 'don't know'? I think having these two options would give a better picture.
Myself, my brother and sister all have PA
Again not able to tick more than one both my father and grandfatherwere affected.
I have PA, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, my grandmother had PA, my mum has Lupus, my brother has Lupus, Scleroderma, Raynaud's, my aunt has Endometriosis, another aunt has Thyroid, all the same genes. My father has Fibromyalgia also.
My Mother then 18months ago myself and my sister were diagnosed independently by different doctors. I have since taken my daughter to see my GP for a blood test which was also positive so definitely hereditary in the female side of the family.
Mother was diagnosed PA we were diagnosed both in early 30's
My grandmother on my father's side was diagnosed in her 60s and lived to 88
My mother, daughter and i all need b12 Injections .My daughter late diagnosis with megobolastic anaemia.
Causing P.O.Ts.
My onset was post menopausal.
My mother's post an oopherectomy.
My sister a vegetarian and healthy for 30 years on same diet post menopause absorbtion slowed .
B12 tablets needed daily now .
So 3 generations
Mother not diagnosed but now obvious to me after my own issues. Also 6 cousins currently affected, so presumably through a grandparent.