What single symptom impacts on your l... - Pernicious Anaemi...
What single symptom impacts on your life the most?
Please select one:
Well other is on the list but no explanation so here it is I would like to feel it when I hold my little girl but it fades after a minute or too until I move again or pat her I am just holding fizzing air.
I wish i could give more than one answer. I suffer from feeling tierd, tingling feet, emotional changes, memory problem and feeling out of breath...these all impact on my day when i am low in my injection
Tinnitus from when I get up to when I try and go to sleep it never stops
I'm exactly the same Diane and Christie especially when injection is due.
Weakness, sore tongue occasionally, memory problems, all.
Tiredness in particular, occasional memory problems and the fogs, tingling
I clicked "Other" because it's Depression and its consequences that's had the greatest impact on my life.
Sciatica, not sure if the b12 difficiency was to blame but suffer with it constantly since diagnosis even with treatment of 3 monthly injections and folic acid every day 🤔