What alternative treatments to B12 in... - Pernicious Anaemi...
What alternative treatments to B12 injections have you tried?
I've tried sublinguals, high dosis B12 tablets (not successful) and self-injecting more frequently different forms of B12 (hydroxocobalamin and cyanocobalamin, which is what I found works for me). Not sure what to vote...Marre.

Hi Marre,
Sorry I should have been more specific with the question, any treatments other than B12 injections (whether that be self-injecting or NHS). Trying to get an idea of how many people resort to alternatives because they can't get injections and perhaps some comments on their effectiveness.
Can I ask what dose of sublingual B12 you tried, for how long and what is the cause of your PA (gastric-related or congenital)?
Hi Ken,
To long ago for me to remember ( 2004/5 ), think the cyanocobalamin tablets (2000?) one month, did nothing, the methylcobalamin lozenges (3000?) one month, did nothing . My GP implies that we have PA, some IF antibodies found in my case, but not my daughters. I can only think that there must be a genetic problem with taking up B12 in my family, my dad, his mum, two of his sisters were/ me and both my daughters are on B12 treatment.
Kind regards,

The test for IF antibodies is very unreliable, a person with them would only test positive ~30% of the time. It definitely sounds congenital to me, I only asked because if you had PA caused by gastric-atrophy, you wouldn't be able to absorb sublingual B12. Are you taking folic acid with your B12 injections? If not, it is VITAL that you do, without it you cannot convert hydroxocobalamin into methylcobalamin (transportive form of B12), you will see a significant improvement. Make sure your relatives know this too.
Best Wishes,
I've used tablets drops and sprays. So far I've found
The sprays and drops more effective than tablets which
Didn't work at all for me.