On 2012 :: A spotty PJ post: So here I am... - Cure Parkinson's

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On 2012 :: A spotty PJ post

5 Replies

So here I am, 3.12am insomnia bound and happy. Spotty PJ's you cry? Well no (and I could have lied here... you'd be none the wiser....) spotty's are in the wash but replaced by something suitable before anyone asks...

Home again after the excitement of the past couple of days, and the joy of starting every sentence 'My husband and I' even if it is totally out of context.

Anyway the very man posed a question to me, not too heavy for a Xmas day conversation..... 'what's going to be your priorities in 2012'. Reading between the lines he is saying don't take anymore on!

Its so important to think ahead in health windows. I do in 3 month blocks. I assume my 'status' will stay about the same for 12 weeks and therefore plan things I can do accordingly. After 12 weeks I assess myself again and accept that I may well find that some subtle changes or new ones, and have to revise my plans .... slightly.

A plan is easy its just a list, it says what you want to do, all the things you need to do it, how then to get it done (as best as) and what value has it?

So my priorities are a mixed bunch, just how I like it. They vary in demand both time and brain wise. This may all sound a bit anal really, and I am conscious of sounding as if I have no spontaneity, or flexibility.. but in actual fact planning gives you both.

So among my plans for 2012 include ::

Setting up a home recording space for radio shows (beg borrow steal equipment)

Finish my book, written 2 years ago....

Launch an amazing concept (under wraps at the mo)

Spend more time just baking and being a wife

Prioritize 'Heart art'

Just the top liners, 2012 is looking awesome .... how is it for you?

5 Replies
Court profile image

You look beautiful. Glad everything went well. I will try to look at things as you do and accept that things will not stay the same for ever - even without PD!! Such is life , we never know what is just round the corner. Good, as for you or bad. Good luck.

shasha profile image

i agree - you do look beautiful and young to hve pd - good luck with all the marvelous plans yu have made too

KokoLu profile image


please, give me some of yours optimisam...

alanrob profile image

hope you had a wonderful day and have a wonderful life with your husband colleen all the luck in the world, your attitude and optimism is fantastic.

jillfd profile image

Optimisam is infectious so keep spreading it.

You go girl!

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