Results demonstrated that Zishenpingchan granules significantly reduced the occurrence of motor complications, and were useful for mitigating dyskinesia and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. This combination of Chinese and Western medicine has the potential to reduce levodopa dosages, and no obvious side effects were found. These findings indicate that Zishenpingchan granules can mitigate symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, reduce toxic side effects of dopaminergic agents, and exert synergistic and detoxifying effects.
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-contr... - Cure Parkinson's
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of Zishenpingchan granules

Very interesting. Modest motor improvement, but if this were a prescription drug it would be shouted from the rooftops - the best Azilect could do was (possibly) slow the rate of progression.
Zishenpingchan not available online though, so you would have to make up your own, and it is not clear which species of Scorpion and Centipede to use. Perhaps the study authors could enlighten anyone adventurous enough to try. A potentially profitable business opportunity.
Possibly where they obtained it although Zishenpingchan is not listed:
Interesting. Any idea where one can one obtain these granules? Thanks - jg
It is composed of Shudihuang 15 g, Gouqi 15 g, Sangjisheng 20 g, Tianma 15 g, Jiangcan 10 g, Ezhu 15 g, Baishaoyao 20 g, Tiannanxing 15 g, Quanxie 3 g, and Wugong 3 g. And it was made into granule by Jiangyin Tianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Lot. 0504312). Each bag weighs 4.8 g equivalent to 32 g of crude drug.
Thank you very much Iqbal Iqbal !!
How are you doing with Ibogaine.
I've stopped with it, and try first with LDN....
(you have still my mail, also ?)
I will reply you via email today
I'm also interested in how you are doing with the iboga. My husband has stopped for the time being - started to get headaches that may have been linked to an interaction with one of his supplements.
Were you able to identify the particular supplement that caused interaction?
BTW, I have resumed since yesterday. Will inform you accordingly.
How much dose was your husband taking
I emailed the supplier re this and was told that grape seed extract can interact - that was one of the things he had continued to take while on the iboga. Also, according to some info on a treatment center website, iboga can also interact with anti-inflammatories such as Advil which my husband was taking for the headaches. His dose was around 25 mg per day, so still rather low. We had planned to get up to the 40 mg/day once I received the next supply, which is still sitting in south Africa. At this point, we decided to pursue the thiamine protocol.
and iqbaliqbal >>> did you have already succes by contacting Jiangyin Pharma ??
I have received their reply today. copy/paste
"Hi Iqbal, Our company do not have this formula, but my herbal pharmacy is able to help you to make this formula. the ingredients of the Zishenpingchan Formulas are: Dihuang (Radix Rehmanniae) 15 g, Gouqizi (Fructus Lycii) 15 g, Sang ji sheng (Taxillus sutchuenensis Danser) 20 g, Tianma (Rhizoma Gastrodiae) 15 g, Jiang can (Bombyx Batryticatus) 10 g, Ezhu (Rhizoma Curcumae Phaeocaulis) 15 g, Bai shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 20 g, Tian nan xing (Rhizoma Arisaematis Erubescentis) 15 g, Quan xie (Scorpio) 3 g, Wugong (Scolopendra) 3 g. The formulas are special made for each person with 5 time concentrated granule extracts. It is 100g per bottle, you need to take 5 g, 2 time a day, please mix the formula in hot water, drink as a herbal tea. You need to take for 3 months to see the full benefit. The formula is $25 per bottle, 3 months you would need 9 bottles, plus shipment. Since the formula is especially made for you, prepayment is needed. Please let me know if you are interested"
Hi iqbaliqbal. Do you have any contact information for the company that makes the zishenpingchan formula? Thx
Hi iqbaliqbal, could you send the contact information for the pharmaceutical company? were you able to obtain the supplement Zishenpingchan from them?
Treasure of the East
530 West State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: 1-888-258-3548 / 1-888-BLUE-LIT
Fax: 1-888-666-9888
Today I got an email from the company. I am copying and pasting here:
"We can produce Zishenpingchan granules in bulk with a minimum order quantity of 20kg, packaged in 1kg, 2kg, or 5kg packages or in 200 bottles of 100g each. The raw herbs would be decocted together to produce granules concentrated at a ratio of 5:1. The granules are full-spectrum, water-based, and fully traceable. The price for Zishenpingchan granules is $114.90/kg and the lead time is approximately 4-6 months.
Please let me know if there is any further information I can provide, or if I can assist in any other way.
Thank you,
Teresa Williams
I am interested in this. Anyone else? Message me.
Yes for me
me too
Marc, do you have any idea how your your UPDRS score changed?
I just happen to have sent my neurologist a message thru the VA website portal today asking that question. I should've asked at the time. My best guess is 10%, maybe 15%.
I didn't believe I was getting better until the past couple months when people started telling me so and especially last month when my neurologist said so. When he replies, I post it on this thread.
We had dinner tonight with my wife's sister and her husband whom I had not seen for 6 months and both commented, unsolicited, that I looked and sounded better.
Regrettably, I don't know how much I can attribute to the Nilotinib. In my profile, I list the components of my regime in order of importance as exercise, diet, intermittent fasting, sleep hygiene, Nilotinib, thiamine ...
I believe each of those contribute, but my exercise isn't all that robust and my diet has been a failed attempt to achieve ketogenic limits, so neither of those are primarily responsible. I do believe intermittent fasting and sleep hygiene matter a lot and both have helped. I took 4 g a day of thiamine for 7 months and believe it contributed, but a clear improvement did not emerge as it has with others.
So, between intermittent fasting, sleep hygiene (which is not all that good,) and Nilotinib, I would guess N it is more responsible than any of the others individually.
There is not anything else that I would spend a few thousand dollars on, but if I get a chance over the next year or 2 to participate in a cooperative group buy, I would spend $3000 and buy another 300 g.
No it hasn't. Do you mean recently?
I posted this thread 4 months ago and as I look back on it, I see reedboat2 found a pharmacy in San Francisco which sells it in small quantities and can make it in a few days which makes my concern about having to buy 20 kg moot.
It sounds like he's (reedboat2) been taking it for 2 or 3 months, but perhaps hasn't yet posted a follow-up report? I just asked him how he feels about it now.
Am I mistaken thinking there haven't been any human trials?
Is anyone else concerned that the ingredients are Chinese and we don't know what they are? What parts of the centipede do you imagine are used?
while exploring source of supply for the subject granule, I found a Chinese company which is ready to prepare it in small quantities as well. however it's a bit expensive. The email from the parmacy is as under
Blue Light Inc. sent you a new message
Ann Wang
to me
Aug 21Details
Hi there! You've got a new message
from Blue Light Inc.
Hi Lqbal, Our company do not have this formula, but my herbal pharmacy is able to help you to make this formula. the ingredients of the Zishenpingchan Formulas
Dihuang (Radix Rehmanniae) 15 g,
Gouqizi (Fructus Lycii) 15 g,
Sang ji sheng (Taxillus sutchuenensis Danser) 20 g,
Tianma (Rhizoma Gastrodiae) 15 g,
Jiang can (Bombyx Batryticatus) 10 g,
Ezhu (Rhizoma Curcumae Phaeocaulis) 15 g,
Bai shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 20 g,
Tian nan xing (Rhizoma Arisaematis Erubescentis) 15 g,
Quan xie (Scorpio) 3 g,
Wugong (Scolopendra) 3 g.
The formulas are special made for each person with 5 time concentrated granule extracts. It is 100g per bottle, you need to take 5 g, 2 time a day, please mix the formula in hot water, drink as a herbal tea. You need to take for 3 months to see the full benefit. The formula is $25 per bottle, 3 months you would need 9 bottles, plus shipment.
Since the formula is especially made for you, prepayment is needed.
Please let me know if you are interested. please call 607-275-9697 to place your order.
Best regards,
Dr. Ann Wang"
Hi iqbaliqbal, thanks very much for the info. Have you tried the Zishenpingchan?
Do you have a way to contact the people who did the study/research to help get the product? Thanks