walking, exercise, walking, exercise - Cure Parkinson's

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walking, exercise, walking, exercise

32 Replies

•A review of 14 studies on treadmill training found that three studies show an immediate effect of increased walking speed, longer stride length and improved balance as early as after one treadmill session. Longer-term trials, numbering 11 in all, demonstrated not only safety, but positive benefits in gait speed, strike length and related quality of life even several weeks later.

•And at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Alberts et al. found that when people with Parkinson’s pedaled on a stationery bike 30% faster than their preferred “voluntary” rate (or forced exertion), they not only gained in aerobic fitness, but also showed improvement in motor function and coordination as well as manual dexterity. This improvement was retained some weeks after the exercise stopped.



32 Replies
metacognito profile image

Great study (thx for sharing it!). It lends credence to the 'neuroplasticity' theory I'm hoping will ultimately prove true: "On a day-to-day basis, people with PD who exercised moved more normally than those who did not."

And the preferred theory from the cited USC study (and plenty of anecdotal evidence):

"Based on these findings, they believe that exercise (and the resultant GDNF thereby produced) may be helping the brain to maintain old connections, form new ones and restore lost ones. They suggest that, in certain situations, the neuroplasticity created from exercise in patients with PD may actually outweigh the effects of neurodegeneration."

JohnPepper profile image

Hi RoyProp. Dr Norman Doidge's new book tells the story of why "Exercise" changes the brain. You can read a recent press release on his book at:



michaela13 profile image
michaela13 in reply to JohnPepper

John, did you gave any side effects with azilect?

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to michaela13

Hi Michaela. I did not take Azilect! I took Eldepryl, which is a similar medication. to Azilect.

Yes! I became very hypertensive. My blood pressure went up to 260/190. That is very scary!

I have heard that the blood pressure can also go down to low levels with MAO-b inhibitors. So, there you have it!


marion11005 profile image
marion11005 in reply to JohnPepper

Justifies a lot of what you've been preaching for years, huh John?

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to marion11005

Hi Marion. Yes! It is such a pity! Walking is not always easy to contemplate doing. If we are in any way uncertain that it will do us any good, because our neurologist does not think I have Pd or he/she does not believe that fast walking can reverse Parkinson's then we are not going to put the effort into doing the walking, preferring to carry on taking useless drugs.


Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to JohnPepper

Im not taking any meds and donot want to start. I did try senitmet for 2 months that neuro suggested. Did nothing to improve right hand tremor. So i stopped taking it. Thats the only symptom i have. I dont plan on taking any drugs at this time so why go to nx neuro appt. When all she'll do is prescribe a med.thats all they ever do. Guess theres nothing else they can do. Ill stick with my supplements for now and walking.

in reply to Rosabellazita

You must take your C/L. This to prevent falls which could lead to head injury. A fall can result in unnoticed brain injury that could lead to death.

See my Post Mayo Clinic full text Plus video

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to

It does nothing. And i donot want it increased. I have not even been diagnosed and had a slight tremor in pinkie ..now in hand. Started pinkie 2011

in reply to Rosabellazita

have not even been diagnosed - let us only hope you do not have Parkinson

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to Rosabellazita

Good for you! Do you do the fast walking or just ordinary walking?

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to JohnPepper

Some of both but i must say this hand tremor drives me batty and its 24/7.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to Rosabellazita

Have you noticed that when you clench your fist or splay your fingers out fully, the tremor stops?

You can use this to hide the tremor, when in the company of others.

You will also find that, when you are sitting down you can splay your hands on your lap and it is not noticeable to others.

When you use your hands the tremor disappears. So start to exercise as much as you can to make your arms stronger.

Good luck!

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to JohnPepper

I have tried that but it doesnt stop. I keep trying. Its turned me in a recluse...i still work p.t. and use that hand for working. But i seem to still be able to control it to work...when i concentrate on what in doing im able to work.

JohnPepper profile image
JohnPepper in reply to Rosabellazita

There you go.

Keep on concentrating on using the hand and don't let the tremor get you down. Accept it, and get on with your life.

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to JohnPepper

Thx john

Boyce3600 profile image
Boyce3600 in reply to JohnPepper

Link does not seem to be working

Lestur profile image

Have to agree body is better for exercise, as mine proves when it misses exercise out of daily routine. Be aware that running machines are not the best things to use when running, as balance issues have caused difficulties on those machines. Can walk on them. Keep active!

etterus profile image

The evidence is very convincing. However the forced exercise in many of the rat studies use electrical shock as an adverse motivation. Most exercise specialists recommend programs that are fun so that they are rewarding and enduring for optimal affect.

Joanne_Joyce profile image
Joanne_Joyce in reply to etterus

I really enjoy my Forced Exercise workout on my stationary bike because I am challenged to keep increasing my speed during the 3 30sec. bursts of speed within 10 minutes. No need for adverse motivation for me!

Allyn profile image

I use my little "forced exercise" bike every day! It was very inexpensive and it definitely helps me. I could tell a difference immediately with hand writing that had become illegible and microscopic! It's more normal now, and it also helps with a stiff back!

in reply to Allyn

Allyn, what is "forced excercise" and where can I get such a bike.

Allyn profile image
Allyn in reply to

The little bike I have is really just pedals - and it has an electric motor which pedals faster than I would just going by myself. I bought it through Amazon for $100. I have had it for almost 2 years now. Worth every penny.

Years ago, a neurologist took one of his patients on a bike tour - with the patient riding on the back of a bicycle for two - so the patient was "forced" to pedal at the same speed as the rider in front - the trick being pedaling at a sustained speed of 80-90 rotations a minute - and they discovered it seemed to help with PD symptoms - especially hand writing!

Since then, others have documented success with this also. There is a medical device that can be purchased for thousands - essentially the same thing as my little bike.

Some people report using the same little pedals on a table to rotate the arms with success there also (for stiffness).

serg profile image

I start the week with 30 min on 2.5 speed, then on Tuesday i do 45 min of exercise, aerobics, Wednesday I do 45 min on 3.0 speed, on Thursday more aerobics 45 min. Friday I encrise to 3.4 speed 60 min and the week ends I rest and i believe I'm stopping the progression of my PD

Leilani23 profile image
Leilani23 in reply to serg

That is really awesome, Serg. You're inspiring me. I'm walking very fast for 4 miles but only 3-4 days a week. It has noticeably improved my balance already, though, so that's good. I need to exercise more days.

serg profile image
serg in reply to Leilani23

Leilani that's what I do every day I'm addicted to the excersise of course I'm awere that our condition is for the rest of our life's and live with it positive

Tmarsella profile image
Tmarsella in reply to serg

Serg. Is your exercise routine still working for you? Impressive. Tom

Leilani23 profile image

That's a great addiction. I'm gonna work on it. One question, though. Do you not get really exhausted and have to rest all day long the next day?


earthdweller profile image

I can totally understand that treadmill walking would improve walking, balance and gait. When I feel my leg dragging and I feel tired of walking, I pretend that I'm walking on a treadmill. There's something about the way we walk on treadmills - I don't know if it's the way we balance, the muscles that we automatically use or the time that each leg is in contact with the ground, or a mixture of all sorts of things - that stops the dragging feeling after a while, and makes me walk more confidently, strongly and normally.

ddmagee1 profile image

Is exercise the answer to everything?

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to ddmagee1

I dont think exercise can be the answer to everything ddmagee It doesnt stop you getting pd. It doesn't spare those who have been fit, athletic, exercised. They get it all the same.

It is Interesting that it helps with symptoms once you get PD but can’t protect you from getting PD. I cant make sense of that.

ddmagee1 profile image
ddmagee1 in reply to Hikoi

It seems like So many Doctors, advisors, therapists, and others, give the advice that exercise is the answer to improving, if not curing, one’s physical ailments. Exercise releases endorphins and makes one feel better. Also, stretching and exercising one’s muscles to an extent, is good. As far as it being the answer for debilitating ailments like advanced heart disease and advanced Parkinson’s, I don’t think exercise, especially vigorous exercise over a lengthy period, would prove to be more beneficial than, perhaps, harmful. As one who has spent a number of years in personal training, before I was diagnosed with PD and had gotten strong symptoms of PD, I could do heavy weight lifting 🏋️‍♀️ and vigorous cardiovascular exercise. 20 years later, now, it’s a different story. I’m way past the beginning stages of PD, and have balance issues, orthostatic hypotension, dysphasia, tremors, stiffness, freezing episodes, etc. I utilize Dalcroze Eurythmics ( movement, with music) exercise. It stretches out the muscles and I can still keep my balance fairly well, modifying some of the routines. It is not vigorous exercise. I have severe arthritis in my knees and one shoulder, so I can’t walk to far, without being in a lot of pain. Being told to walk briskly to get my heart rate up wouldn’t do for me. Each person is different and I think Doctor’s, therapists, exercise physiologists and trainers should tailor there recommendations for exercise for each individual person, instead of putting so many of us in a “ running/walking exercise program for all “, as an example.

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