Hi out of town and the couldn't sign in c... - Cure Parkinson's

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Hi out of town and the couldn't sign in cause forgot password

dubdiva profile image
10 Replies

Hi been out touch a few week . Still no clear cut pd diagnosis just the usual.accused a different doctor of never givingr appionment then jhusband told me I wrote it on calendar. Couldn't stay awake today and even with spells

Check 80 percent of time write like I'm from mars- almost fell backwards which I's a first for me in in otherwRds I'm having a little self pity party

Love dubdiva

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dubdiva profile image
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10 Replies

Hi Duddeva,

We are all aloud to have self pitty , its a way of trying to understand this thing we have called PD , as far as a Dx is concernd , i was only DX last November after beeing treated for a stroke, i fall all the time , spelling is crap writing is even worse, so dont beat youself up , take it easy , and contact us when you feel down, we are always open and listening ,



JennyR profile image
JennyR in reply to

.Hi Duddeva and Jonn~ Your notes brings to mind dozens of emotions to me., The first is that I have had to stop pity parties for myself. OH THEY ARE SO NEAR THE SURFACE, I COULD SCREAM SOMETIMES. As an example, I have been trying to knit a simple afghan for MONTHS. it as been ripped out at least 10 times and is once again it is in balls in the knitting basket. This morning when I dicsovered a huge error on the back side, it was all i COULD DO TO KEEP FROM TAKING THE SCISSORS TO THE ENTIRE PROJECT. INSTEAD, I ROLLED IT BACK INTO THE SAME BALL IT HAS ROLLED INTO 9 TIMES BEFORE

My Adobe won't accept my password or emal address and so it no.longer will allow me to order the books I read. The books adobe told me were free, stop about 25 pages into the story and if I want to finish the story, I must buy them.. I don't mind - JUST TELL ME UP FRONT! That's how my week has been going and I just feel terrible venting to you when you have it so much worse than i DO. Please

forgive me for crying on your shoulder and for listening. jJENNYR

dubdiva profile image
dubdiva in reply to JennyR

Jenny these are the same things that drive me to tears, so thank you for lettig me use your shoulder and you are welcome to mine. Theres nothing to forgive and this stupid PD is so weird, it take so many twistand turns, at least evry day is different- Guess we jsut got do what we can when we can. but i dont hear any self pity in you r wpords,just frustration and I agree! Thank you Jenny and God Blessx

jillannf6 profile image

hi Dubdiva

i agree with Al

a little self pity is allowed

by the way "the- weekend is- here -AL" is a great guy who keeps smiling thro it (well most of it) as do I

Apart from when i have fallen too many times;/broken somehtign by dropping it cannto write my own name and even my typign!! is dyslexic

so brign it all to the site

i hav ePSP diagnosed in dec2010 arare sort fo Parkinsons and no meds ot help but i am u[pbeat sitlll as it explains so many of my health problems

love jill :-)

dubdiva profile image
dubdiva in reply to jillannf6

Thank s Jill and I gotta come by and party ! love to you xx

CheriH profile image

Hi Dubdiva, it's okay to have a pity party. I've had my own this week too. Sometimes we need to get it out so that we can get it over with and move on! There will be days like this; but hang in there! Anytime you need to get it off your chest, we are all here for you. Take care, Cheri <3

dubdiva profile image
dubdiva in reply to CheriH

Thanks Cheri

I feely truly blessed to have found this sight and found ya'll!


gran5- profile image

Well, I've NEVER felt sorry for myself. ;-) ;-( %-( All kidding aside, we are the only ones who can really understand what it is like to have a Dx which (so we are told) is different for each of us. So go right ahead feel sorry for you. If you've read Pfieffer's The Phantom Tollbooth the name of the place is "The Slough of Despond". It makes me smile just looking at the title.

On the brighter side I want to tell you allabout my adventures on the mountain in Santa Fe. Last winter I signed up for the Adaptive Ski Program. Amazing! Even someone paralyzed from the neck down can participate. The gear is there only for us, the instructors, who are wonderful, are all volunteers. Last year I used a sled like thing, this year I've progressed to a ski bike. Fabulous and terrifying at the same time. When I can figure out how to, I will post some pics. The only downside is that it takes me 2 days to recover! Totally worth it. Google it! I've run on enough. Now to try to catch up withthe stuff that did not get done in the 2 days recovery time. Lost cause but Some of it may get done. The rest falls in the catagory of "Learning patience" which seems to be the life lesson for me, I'm not good at it at all.

dubdiva profile image
dubdiva in reply to gran5-

I like your Titles and indeed patience is something Ive never been goo dwith but better learn real soomm LOL as for ski-ing. well want to see th pictures, my sport useto be vodka and marlboro.. But that is amazing. You brought backa memory of when I was kid and had 'weak ankles' I also had a tremour so suspect this has been brewing my whole life but anyway the doctor told my parents to make me ice skate. I think he was just a sadist . You never saw such sad assed skating in your life, I stand fall stand fall LOL God Bless you or making me laugh!

gran5- profile image

PS I forgot that my pic is from last years class on the ski-sled.

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