Would you suggest taking the infusion for the paget’s disease ?
infusion: Would you suggest taking the... - Paget’s Support

Hi Buddy I first had the infusion age 50 in 1994 for Pagets in my tibia. (I am led to believe that I was the first person in South Africa to receive it). I went into hospital on crutches, and came out almost running. This lasted for 18.5 years when I the Pagets started up again, so I immediately saw my specialist and requested another infusion. Although my medical aid would not pay for it I was prepared to dig into my savings to pay the huge bill - but it is worth it as it gave me immediate relief with no side effects. I am now 74, still running my B&B and very active.
If you have had a scan for your pagets and your consultant suggests an infusion then yes, , as the scan may show your pagets to be active...or a blood test......may show your pagets to be active ...evan without symptoms... I would recommend an infusion , it all depends on the level of activity etc of your pagets, .....
Yes, it worked very well for me, although I had 3 infusions over 3 years.
I like to think everyone and this website with the information that was given to me about getting a infusion you all was so correct I am doing fine in fact I am better thank U all
Great news and Happy Christmas to you.
Lovely to hear you are doing well. Hope the effects of the infusion are long-lasting for you. My husband is also doing really well after his
Thank you and Merry Christmas and happy new year
So pleased Buddy. Happy new year, and many more
Great to hear that you are doing well