Have you ever considered or enrolled i... - CLL America Support

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Have you ever considered or enrolled in a clinical trial?

tclementi profile imagetclementi12 Voters

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4 Replies
nkferg profile image

Seeing a CLL specialist soon, I will be asking if there is a trial I could benefit from.

tclementi profile image
tclementi in reply to nkferg

That's great! Let us know what he/she says!!

VT888LEB profile image

I am still in watch and wait but my oncologist at Memorial Sloan says treatment is coming. I disagree at this point, but will not rule out clinical trials when the time comes.

tclementi profile image
tclementi in reply to VT888LEB

Good idea! Best to just take things as they come, which it sounds like you're doing! I know the idea of treatment is hard/scary!