What treatments, if any, have you had ... - CLL America Support

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What treatments, if any, have you had for your CLL? Feel free to expand in the comments

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2 Replies
dsb21 profile image

Still feel fine.  Not experiencing any fatigue.  I have a lymph node that measures 5.2 cm in my right armpit.  I was diagnosed in Oct. 2013.  My oncologist is talking about treatment, he mentioned ibrutinib.  I thought it was too soon but he said that it is better sometimes to treat CLL when you are healthy.  I just don't feel sure about that and have not heard anything like that mentioned on any of the websites (Patient Power).  Is there anyone with CLL that has been told the same thing?

tclementi profile image
tclementi in reply to dsb21

We've heard of doctors wanting to start treatment as a preventative measure - have your counts changed at all? If they are changing, that might be why he wants to start treatment.  if you're not comfortable with treatment, you can always get a second opinion from a different doctor. 

Here's some videos that might be helpful! 

about Ibrutinib- patientpower.info/video/ibr...

about watch and wait and treatment- patientpower.info/video/pat...




Let me know if this helps! 
