Would you ever or have you ever partic... - CLL America Support

CLL America Support

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Would you ever or have you ever participated in a clinical trial? Feel free to reply in order to expand on why you selected that answer.

tclementi profile imagetclementi9 Voters

Please select all that apply:

4 Replies
Stirling62 profile image

I have been in three clinical trials since 2009. I wouldn't be here today without them. This last one, while the side effects are very unpleasant, I can still work full time, but from home. That means I can pay for my sons colleges and enjoy time with my spouse. Clinical trails allow me access to cutting edge medicine and have prolonged my life. 

tclementi profile image
tclementi in reply to Stirling62

We are really glad to hear that!! 

NoClew profile image

I have not qualified for numerous clinical trials do to "co-morbidities".  Always being told that "I was not good for the trial". Recently it was explained to me that a trial drug would "not be good for me".  Wow, That simple switch of words meant the world to me.  Thank you Dr. Estrov.

tclementi profile image
tclementi in reply to NoClew

I love that switch of the words! I will have to keep that in mind!