I was diagnosed April 2019 with PPC stage 2b at... - My Ovacome

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I was diagnosed April 2019 with PPC stage 2b at age 70 and was told the older you are the less likely you will make 5 yr survival.

TNkit profile image
44 Replies

Survival for ladies 70 or older when diagnosed.

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TNkit profile image
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44 Replies
Lewisriley47 profile image

I was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer at the age of 65 and now 73 thankfully still here, best wishes to you

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to Lewisriley47

That is wonderful

IrishMollyO profile image

Hi there

I had to reply to you when I read your post. It looks like you were given a very negative message by your team as everyone is different. You seem to have put in a box by your age. I just want to reassure you from my experience.

Exactly 9 years ago I was told at the age of 66 that I had stage 3 c PPC high grade Serous. . It was inoperable and I had 6 rounds of Carboplatin TaxoI which I responded very well to.

If you read my profile you will see I had two recurrences in my lymph nodes and even unrelated breast cancer in between but I'm still here thank God despite a prognosis of two years.

You will note that mine is a later stage than yours so that should reassure you more. These are lots of different treatments nowadays and I remember being told to look at it as a chronic disease to be treated as it recurs.

You know you can always have a second opinion and quite a number of women do that. I hope you have someone in your corner who will help you to keep notes etc and research if you need to.

Finally I would just like you to wish you all the best and I hope my reply is a message of hope for you. This present moment is all any of us has. Enjoy it.


in reply to IrishMollyO

Bless you for that post x. Sometimes hard to see the light in these strange days.

Your words have cheered me up!

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to IrishMollyO

Thank you so much for your encouragement Molly

Mommoo65 profile image

Diagnosed 3b age 65. Now 70.

thomas62 profile image

Diag. 3b 6 yrs ago. I'm now 70 yrs.old.

LittleSan profile image

The only thing predictable about OC and PPC is their unpredictability. Forget the stats and live each day as it comes. They are like a weather forecast and you know how often that's wrong! There are loads of us on here who have defied the stats. Worrying about the future clouds the present and wastes precious time and energy. Wishing you all the best and many Happy times. 💐😘

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to LittleSan

Thank you so much

Ettenomis profile image
Ettenomis in reply to LittleSan

Love this post littlesan 🤗 my thoughts entirely. I've received so much hope and positivity from ladies that are living through this, thanks to TNkit's post, I've benefitted too! Thank you lovely ladies 💋🦋💐

1lisamac profile image

I’m so sorry for them to say that too you seems a harsh comment they’ve made but believe in yourself and with the messages you’ve already been sent life is worth living so they said 5 years it’s just a number look after yourself eat healthy stay fit live for now and I bet in 5 years time you will like look I’m still here bring it on ❤️Hopefully you have family my mum has ovarian cancer and there’s not a day she doesn’t think about it but I always send her messages of love pictures of her grandchildren and soon be a great grandma she looks forward to life now x it’s always a shock when they give you bad news give yourself time to let in soak in but everybody is different don’t let it get you down xx please post messages on here everybody was great with advice for my mum think I was more shocked than my mum when she got diagnosed, all my love TNkit take care x

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to 1lisamac

Yes my family and friends have been super supportive. And my chemo nurses are fantastic.

Caleda4 profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed in 2015, with endometrial Stage 1b and fallopian tube cancer which was high grade serous. I would have made 5 years this September,but have recently discovered a recurrence. 70 when diagnosed now 75. It is not right for somebody to say that because of age you have less of a chance. There are lots of new drugs coming out all the time and many people are living with cancer as apposed to dying from it. Take care, and stay safe. Stay safe, Caleda x

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to Caleda4

Sorry to hear about your recurrence. I am presently NED after chemo and surgery but it has only been 9 months since last chemo. Hope any future treatment for recurrence is successful!

SUE7777 profile image

I have seen the statistic you refer to but I can assure you statistics are more often wrong. Look after yourself, do the right things and most of all enjoy life and you'll be fine. We are always here for you. Sue xx

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to SUE7777

Thank you so much. Statistics are unpredictable. Just taking it one day at a time. Currently NED - coming up on 9 months. Still in the stage of worrying everytime I get a pain somewhere.

SUE7777 profile image
SUE7777 in reply to TNkit

Hope you stay NED forever and I'm planning on joining you a.s.a.p. Sue xx

Ettenomis profile image
Ettenomis in reply to TNkit

I know that feeling TNkit! You're certainly not alone there, I'm 5 months post surgery and chemo and never a day goes by, when there's not a niggle or 2. I'm 66, Stage 3 Ovarian, and thought that's my lot! However, treatments have been good to me and the chemo worked well, so it's onwards and upwards for us!! Take each day by the... You know what's, and keep smiling and love your family 💐💕🦋👍

Everhope profile image

I was diagnosed with Stage 2b serous ovarian cancer in June 2019 when I was 72. I had full radical hysterectomy followed by 6 doses of Carboplatin, every 3 weeks, was supposed to have Taxol also weekly but had such a violent reaction to it at the start of the first dose it was stopped immediately & I was told I could never have it again. CT scan in December showed NED & I have felt really well since - I was told that the next 2/3 years would be critical but my age, apart from before surgery, was never mentioned and my surgeon commented that the number on the screen did not necessarily “mean” the age of her patient! My oncologist also said there were other options to be tried should my cancer recur. I try & enjoy life while I feel well though the fact I am shielding & live alone does make me unbelievably sad at missing precious time with my family.

I agree with the post by MollyO every case is different just as every person is different.

I was also told that diagnosis of my cancer at Stage2 was unusual as it is often not diagnosed till Stage 3. So try & take life day by day & not look too far into the future.


TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to Everhope

Seems like we are pretty similar. I had a total hysterectomy in 06 and then was diagnosed in April 2019 with PPC high grade serous stage 2b. I tolerated the chemo pretty well. Was also told it is rare to find it at early stage like you. Am currently NED coming up on 9 months. Would love to stay in touch with you. I am in Tennessee. Sorry that you are alone.

Heatherslade profile image

I was diagnosed with OC stage 3c, 4 years ago. I was being treated for bowel cancer, 3c and as a result of major op for this, cytoreductive surgery at Christies it was found I had OC. Had new regime of chemo and over 3 years later, at age of 75 I am luckily remaining fine and have not needed further treatment. Age is not a barrier to recovery at all. Keep positive

TNkit profile image

Tks for the positive comments. Hope you continue to do well

CallmeMum profile image

Hi lovely,

I used to look after my mother in law before she passed away last year.

Please remember that everyone is different, your team may say one thing and something completely different could happen, nobody knows what the future holds for anyone.

You are an individual with love and support from everyone on this site, they are all amazing ladies on here as you are.

I wish you all the best for your journey.


Diagnosed 3c, 8.5 years ago at age 65. One recurrence. Straight into remission both times. Current remission 5.5 years. 74 in 2 weeks. Fit & well. You are not a statistic!

Best wishes. Pauline.

Sue-333 profile image

I was diagnosed with stage 3c OC at the age of 59, I'm now 71. It has come back twice and I see it as a chronic condition, when it comes back I have treatment and carry on. I was made aware of the 5 year survival stat, but remember it's just an average not the whole picture. I'm still here after 12 years and live well. Live your life as though you are going to carry on, and enjoy it, it's not worth letting the unknowable overshadow the present day. Wishing you all the best xx

Lizchips profile image

I've never heard that, I believe a lot is the fight in you. I never thought nor do I think this disease will kill me. You go to treatment and see people around you , you know the ones you can tell they've given up. I'm not one of those people a fighter by nature. Stay in shape enjoy life and stay strong. My Dr has always said you don't have an experation date. They can't say who makes it 5 yrs and who doesn't. When I was diagnosed 6 yrs ago with stage 3c2 clear cell ovarian cancer. I went on Google huge mistake. It said in 2014 that only 22 percent make it to 5 yrs. I was almost stage 4 I'm still here. Don't give any of that a second thought. Think positive and you'll make it best , Liz

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to Lizchips

Yes I went to google also and read those same stats. My oncologist says everyone is different. She does not talk about the future - only focus on today.

Lizchips profile image

Oh, I've had no reoccurances. Stay tuff

Mptelesca profile image

Hi, Lovely lady. I'm sure you have read all the wonderful replies that this group of fabulous ladies have left for you. We are all living proof that statistics are not only outdated, but, incorrect. Each person is different. In addition to chemo, in the last 3 years alone, there have been many more treatments to assist. PARPS were mainly for maintenance and now they are being used either together with chemo or instead of. So many cocktails out there.

Any doctor who recites a statistic of that nature should truly be straightened out. Sometimes they think they are helping, but, they don't realize how insensitive they are being. And never go on google. Those statistics are really old. I made that mistake.

Since I found this lovely group of ladies, I have been more at ease and reassured that we are NOT a statistic.

Take care of yourself and stay strong. Best to you!



Ettenomis profile image

Hi, that sounds like a pretty negative response for you? I'm not sure how these things work to be honest, but I've learnt that each case is different and keeping yourself fit, positive and mindful is good! Keep on rocking, you look fantastic! 🌹😘

wendydee profile image

Although I was not told the stage I was at, mine was on both ovaries and omentum. I didn’t need chemo and have been well ever since, but I overheard my consultant telling my husband that ‘if she’s lucky, she’ll have 5 to 10 years’. That was his take on statistics I guess. I was 52 then but I’m 71 now. Live life to the full!

Tabor profile image

Hello TNkit, pray you are doing well. Just now seeing some of your post. I was happy to see someone from TN. I too am in TN. north of Nashville. I’m a 31 years survivor of breast cancer and so far 7 year survivor of both Fallopian tube ovarian cancer. I’ve had couple reoccurring but all good now. Im 69 years young and holding. Praying you stay strong and positive to share your story with all young ladies you meet, God Bless you. Pat

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to Tabor

You certainly are a survivor [edited by moderator]. Do you get your treatment in Nashville? I see Dr. Laura Williams - GYN/onc . Would love to stay in touch with you. I am going for yearly PET on Monday. Saw her Wednesday and she said everything looks great - hope scan agrees.

Tabor profile image
Tabor in reply to TNkit

Praying your scan is perfect. I see same doctor, I call her my hero!!! The best of the best. I would love to stay in touch with you. I go every 6 months now, and every month for lab work. I’ve been on Rubraca maintenance since 2018 so far all good. I don’t know how to send private message on here. Do you know. I would love to talk with you. Take care dear friend. God Bless you

I was diagnosed with stage 4 at age 72 1/2. I am74 1/2 and will be 75 in Nov. I am one of the older ladies on here and doing ok. I am on niraparib for one more year. I started it last year in July. Just hope that I can be alright on it for another year. After two years, the dr. will take me off from this. It is hard on our blood, but keeps microscopic cancer cells at bay. Hope you do good in your coming days. Donna in the U. S. xx

Tabor profile image
Tabor in reply to Pianoplayer731021

Hello Donna, I’ll be praying your Niraparib continues working for you. Will they put you on something else after the two years? I will be on Rubraca as long as I can handle it. So far I’m good with it. I found out few weeks back sun doesn’t mix with Rubraca.

I assume you play the piano, enjoy playing the music 🎶 and watching hummingbirds.

Piano player Lady, I wish I could play piano.

God Bless You! Pat

Pianoplayer731021 profile image
Pianoplayer731021 in reply to Tabor

Hi Tabor, they will only keep me on niraparib for one more year; that is if I can tolerate it ok. Niraparib is hard on the blood, so you can only take it for two years. After that, if my scans are alright, I’ll probably be on nothing. I’m sure I will have dr. visits periodically. Hopefully, I can do this. I suppose if cancer returns, they start chemo again. Yes, I play piano since I’ve been 11 years old. I played in school, Sunday school and in the chapel. I love music and also love those hummingbirds. My family was musically inclined so it came natural to me. The sun is tough, because these meds make us vulnerable. My skin feels so dry, wasn’t like this before I had cancer treatments. Thanks for your message, hope you do well. Donna I see your name is Pat. Blessings to you too. 🎹🎼😊

Tabor profile image
Tabor in reply to Pianoplayer731021

Donna, yes my name is Pat and what a blessing to have musical talent. My skin drys too, my daughter gave me something her friend sells called epoch baobab body butter and I love it. Maybe you can google on line and find some. It’s really good stuff. Take care Teal Friend 🦋 Pat

Pianoplayer731021 profile image
Pianoplayer731021 in reply to Tabor

Thanks Pat! I could check that out. Your teal friend, Donna 🦋

Tabor profile image

Good morning TNkit, thinking of you and wondering about your scan yesterday? Hope all is good. God Bless you!!! Pat

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to Tabor

God is good. My scan came back NED

Tabor profile image
Tabor in reply to TNkit

Wonderful news!!!!!!! Enjoy your day

Sue-333 profile image

I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer at 59 and 14 years later I'm still here and well, I have had 3 lots of treatment in that time and see this as a chronic condition that I can live with having treatment here and there. I always remember my consultant saying that we are not cardboard cut outs of each other, and as someone pointed out, statistics are just an average and don't mean much by themselves. Just focus on here and now and don't let future possibilities overshadow things. All the best. Sue

TNkit profile image
TNkit in reply to Sue-333

That’s wonderful May it long continue

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