Heartburn, help!: I have been on 15mg... - Oesophageal & Gas...

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Heartburn, help!

Freysimo profile image
13 Replies

I have been on 15mg Lansoprazole for over two years for heartburn and reflux due to small hiatus hernia. Four weeks ago Lansoprazole stopped working and even though I upped the dose to 30mg, I am still getting heartburn, sometimes at night (thought I was having a heart attack!). I have tried everything, even giving Omeprazole another try, but it makes me feel ill. I have a GP appointment next week but am thinking of trying Nexium(oesomeprazole). Has anyone had any experience like this?

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Freysimo profile image
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13 Replies
Fizzy35 profile image

Don’t try any more self medication

Get to your Doc say you feel you really need this checked by a Gastroenterologist

Probably an endoscopy will be involved but push NOW for it

My best wishes for a speedy solution


liz_crisp profile image

Try sleeping slightly elevated (sitting up more ) to stop acid running back down the Oesophagus, have some gaviscon or similar liquid to take if it starts at night. Yoghurt can be soothing, as can sugar free barley sugars just suck them. Maybe splitting the dose so 15mg once every 12 hours might help too. These are just remedial measures that might get you a good nights sleep As Fizzy says see your GP to get to the root cause.

Click12 profile image

I agree see a gastroenterologist for endoscopy asap.

Miseria profile image

Yes I have had similar issues. Elevate yourself for sleeping, be careful not to eat late, try to stick to water after 8pm. Avoid caffeine, chocolate, wine and alcohol, avoid over large portions. Little portions more frequently.

The first month after you stop taking omneprazole you get a massive acid surge, just have to wait it out and it does get better. The night issues will improve if you go to bed with an empty, near empyy stomach and sleep on 3 pillows, almost sitting up. Try to use Gaviscon, it gets better. The problem is if you can't take the omneprazole or lanzopralol, the only remaining medicine is ranitidine.

Mindcrazedbanjo profile image

I had a similiar problem my Lansoprazole stopped working, My doctor put me on "Rabeprazole" instead, since then I've not been too bad, I still have to take the odd "Bisodol" at night, but nothing like what it was.

Freysimo profile image

Thanks for all your replies. I had an endoscopy three years ago and all was normal then apart from an hiatus hernia. I know things may have changed since then. I will take all your suggestions on board though.

kiddy profile image

Hi there don’t leave it go to Gp don’t try self medicating. If you still have a gallbladder it could be a stone stuck or other condition not related to Hiatus Hernia.

Best Wishes


Dannymo profile image

Hi I have a hiatus hernia and have been on omeprazole for a number of years having tried various ppi's which only worked for a while. Whilst on holiday last year I had bad reflux and even 40mg of omeprazole and gaviscon didn't help (didn't want to give up the all inclusive benefits) Lol.

A Dutch friend suffering from a more severe issue than myself offered me some of his Sucralfate. I thought, might as well give it a try and was amazed that after two days the reflux had reduced. On returning home I asked my lovely GP who has always been supportive and she agreed to a trial period.

It was as I had hoped virtually no reflux for two months and after the trial period went back to Omeprazole only and once more the reflux got worse. I am now taking Sucralfate morning and evening have reduced my Omeprazole and plan to stop taking it altogether from next week. Not saying it will work for everyone but it has for me.

Good luck.

Freysimo profile image
Freysimo in reply to Dannymo

That's a great suggestion, Dannymo, never heard of that one. I'll mention it when I see the GP again. I actually managed to get an appointment this morning, and I have been given Pantoprazole to try, plus had blood tests, including one for h.pylori, which was never tested at my gastroscopy for some reason. May need another gastroscopy 😵

speakman profile image


Sorry for the slight delay in replying - just back today from a week in Vienna. Let me say at the outset that the only reason I take Lansoprazole is on the advice of the upper gastrointestinal surgeon who carried out an oesophagectomy on me coming up for 9 years ago. I saw him recently in one connection and he confirms that I should continue to take it, which I do in 30 mg. form.

However, I am convinced that what led to the cancer in my oesophagus in the first place was my consumption of off-the-shelf antacids of one sort or another for a period of many years, the then subsequent development of a hiatus hernia and eventually my cancer. Based upon my experience, I would be inclined to have your GP refer you on to a good Upper GI consultant.

Mauser1905 profile image

I had oc due to reflux. Had my smaller HH was anatomically fixed (LINX or Nissen fundoplication 360) instead of time wasted by GP doing acid management and lifestyle advice. Exactly all have written down here.

Ask GP if these medications fix the HH? If not ask to see GI unit. But then NHS requires you to earn your surgery.

Freysimo profile image
Freysimo in reply to Mauser1905

Thanks all so much for your replies. I'm seeing the GP again on Thurs, but actually I think I may have solved my problem. I couldn't understand why I had 'heartburn' ALL the time and nothing made any difference. Years and years ago I had costochondritis (benign inflammation of rib cartilage, pain felt right in middle of chest) which lasts for a few weeks. The treatment is Ibuprofen and warm compresses which I have tried for the past two days and it seems to have worked. I have also reduced my Lansoprazole back to 15mg. I will if course run it by my GP this week.

Animalmadwoman profile image

Please do t take ibuprofen without advice from GP, if you do take , make sure you take PPI’s to protect stomach

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