I had chemoradiation for oesophogeal cancer in late 2023, not seen as suitable for operation. Now have metastases to ureter ( not v usual) and am about to start more Folfox with Nivolumab for three months. Seems the prognosis depends on how well I respond to this treatment. Anyone with similar experience able to pass on any thoughts etc?? Thank you
Stage four ….: I had chemoradiation for... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Stage four ….

My mets where in my lung, they did manage to remove but I am on cycle 66 of tranzumatab (3 1/2 yearsafter being given the status of palative) my cousin who trialed this drug 7 years ago who had extensive mets no surgical options is still here and well stay positive.Only suggestion make sure you take as much refined sugar out of your diet replace with natural replacements such as honey maple syrup, our cancer is a sugar fed one may help with slowing its progress Good luck
Have you tried Macmillon, they have a website of hospitals that may have New Cross trials- that you could be suited to?I personally would always ask for a second opinion from a different hospital-sending healing hugs, good luck.
Thank you. I am based in France so Macmillan isn’t a thing. But you have reminded me to ask about trials again.
Aww I’m sorry, I do hope that they have some sort of immunotherapy trials, coming your way, my friend in Finland is stage 4 lung cancer and won’t have chemo-but is having radiotherapy and immunotherapy treatment that has kept her stable for several years now, she’s doing ok.