How to stop bile from leaking at Jtube incision site
Bile leak at Jtube site : How to stop... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Bile leak at Jtube site

Don’t know which country or area you are writing from but think you know yourself this needs hospital attention
Hope all goes ok
I'm in USA and mine leaked bad from day one and acid is very hard on skin. Nurse would just clean it up and apply salve. Surgeon, doctors knew this and did nothing.
Weeks later when time to remove J-tube they postponed the appointment so being anxious I studied up on removel and did it myself. When removing the saline from device with syringe(no needle) 1st thing I noticed was not nearly the amount of saline in baloon that manufacturer required was causing the leakage.
When I told my doctor about low saline situation he said they don't want the intestine to get blocked by baloon being inflated too much. I'm not a surgeon but I disagree as all you're putting in there is liquid.
If I were to go through this again I would take the saline out myself and inflate it with the manufacturer recommended amount. Then if any problem were to develope I would then deflate it some. I WOULD RECOMMEND YOU TALK TO YOUR DOCTORS ABOUT THIS.. good luck, Ted