2 yr 2months after ivor lewis i am in hospital recovering from emergency surgety for strangulated diaphramatic hernia involving small and large bowel. Very luclkey to be alive. Anyone else had this?
Strangulated hernis: 2 yr 2months after... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Strangulated hernis

I am waiting for an operation because I have the same problem. They are hoping to get it done before it can strangle. Operation booked for 27 th
Same here, emergency surgery. Incarcerate transverse colon, 23 month after Ivor Lewis.
Hi my husband had this operation November last year. 4 and a half years after Ivor Lewis operation. It took a long time for them to find out about this and he went through so much pain until it was . Visits to A and E and finally a CT scan which showed his bowels had herniated through the diaphragm which could have strangulated. Scary times. He is doing ok now and in May had to have a new hip as well. Speedy recovery for you...
Good to hear
What symptoms you all had?
I had a CT scan privately last year and pancreas were partially herniated that time inside the diaphragm. Having pain in diaphragm after anything I eat and unable to walk afterwards. Sustaining pain but surgeon not convinced of further herniation pain.
Joy's of recovery.
Yes I had this 2 years after my Ivor Lewis. Colon herniated into my chest. Another operation of course but I am still here.. Hope your op went well x