Can anyone help with diet for Barrett oesophogus please
Barrett oesophogus : Can anyone help... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Barrett oesophogus
Can you be a bit more specific about your condition please, have you had an operation?
Think of Barrett's oesophagus as armour plating produced by the body to prevent the concentrated acid washing up from the stomach from eroding the soft tissue of the oesophagus. It does, however, carry a very small risk of progression towards oesophageal cancer which is why those with it need to take acid suppressant medication and have regular surveillance scopes every few years.
Diet won't actually affect it.
Barrett's requires reflux of acid and bile over a period. Reducing the acid and the reflux will reduce risk of further areas developing but, as described in the food section of the free encyclopaedia, diet doesn't actually change the acidity of refluxate. In terms of reflux, HOW we eat is more important than WHAT we eat.