I invested in an adjustable bed which has been brilliant. I am going on holiday and I am looking for an inflatable bed wedge. Can anyone recommend a good one to buy please?
inflatable bed wedge : I invested in an... - Oesophageal & Gas...
inflatable bed wedge

Hi there. I can’t recommend one as I’ve never bought one but on quick glance, the ObboMed HR-7600 is available on Amazon and EBay (cheaper on amazon) and seems to have good reviews. Good luck! Xx
If you do get an inflatable wedge, do let us all know how you get on with it. Sleeping away from home and the electric bed is never so comfortable. My husband (83, 6 years post-op) manages with lots of pillows but they take up an awful lot of room in our camper-van!
Good luck...
The obbomed hr 7600 is good as it has a flocked surface. Not high enough alone but use under pillows. The pump is poor but I couldnt find another that fitted
Hi - I use an adjustable back rest + pillows when we camp . Inclined to slip down but does help .
Thank you to everyone who commented on buying an inflatable bed rest. I opted to buy An Adjustable Angle Back Rest as violetqueen suggested. I used for the five nights I was away last week with 2 pillows and found it to be fine. I secured the base with a bolster pillow (purely because it was supplied at the self-catering accommodation).
Thanks everyone for sharing your solutions for sleeping away from home. I'll investigate the obbomed.