Has anyone had a diaphragmic hernia with an Ivor Lewis esophagectomy surgery?
Diaphragmic hernia : Has anyone had a... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Diaphragmic hernia

Hello yes my mum is having it done today
Yes I had one
It depends on what you call a diaphragmatic hernia, the stomach is pulled up into the chest on operation. Having survived for such a long time my diaphragm has now become weak and has a defect in it which has allowed part of the colon to also go into the chest. The solution is major surgery or put up and get on with it. Having gone for the second option it is liveable with but just means slightly more breathless. Hope this might be of help Sally
What people call a hiatus hernia is part of the stomach protruding above the diaphragm, which can cause a lot of reflux and other issues, and it may be that a diaphragmic hernia is the same thing?
When the surgeons remove your oesophagus and pull the stomach up, it inevitably creates the same effect as a hiatus hernia, but this is hopefully controlled and sorted out during the surgery. But sometimes more of the stomach does progress upwards than intended. Sometimes this is repaired with subsequent surgery; it depends on how much trouble it is likely to give you.
Yes - 2 months after my Ivor Lewis op I ended up in A&E with my colon incarcerated in my chest - dilated and close to bursting, so I had to have emergency surgery. I was told it is one of the possible complications of this type of surgery. Thinking back, my colon must have been going up and down through the gap in the diaphragm, as I would get the pain frequently and it would clear up, but the last time the pain was getting worse and worse and not going away - hence the visit to A&E. Thankfully, the surgeon tightened my diaphragm at that time and it hasn’t happened again!
Hi there - it was an open incision/laparotomy and was done as an emergency (colon was trapped and very distended). Once the operation was done I was in hospital for a week, then recovering at home a further 6 weeks. Compared to the Ivor Lewis operation, this was a breeze! Unfortunately it did actually further delay my recovery from the original Ivor Lewis slightly, but all ok now! Best of luck to both of you - I hope your husband is not in too much pain!