Hi. Not sure if this is the correct site but anyone any experience of lanzaprole and the management of asthma?
Lanzaprole : Hi. Not sure if this is... - Oesophageal & Gas...
For years I was on inhalers of every description for asthma. The symptoms were constant coughing that affected my breathing. I also had horrendous acid reflux which doctors blamed on the coughing. Eventually I managed to get a doctor who listened to me when I said the acid came before the coughing and I thought it was the cause rather than the effect of coughing. I was eventually prescribed Lanzoprazole and that has helped for many years. Unfortunately I also have a hiatus hernia and other problems with my GI tract but the Lanzoprazole together with Ranitidine (topped up with Gaviscon when necessary) give me a reasonably good outcome.
Acid reflux can contribute to coughing when the reflux reaches the lungs, so I could imagine that asthma and reflux could be a tricky combination of conditions to endure. The Lansoprazole is designed to switch off the production of stomach acid, and this should have a beneficial effect in reducing the harm to your lungs from the reflux, and giving the asthma treatment better chances to work for you, perhaps. Sometimes some PPI (proton pump inhibitor) medication like Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, work better than others; and sometimes they do not have much benefit at all. Sometimes medications does not always work well with others.
But this is an unqualified opinion, and you should take it with a pinch of salt.