Hi, anyone take Turmeric. My husband is nearly 4 years post IL operation and takes Ranatadine and Omroprozale. He has developed arthritis in his neck and has heard how good Turmeric is for this BUT it seems you can’t take with PPI’s. Any thoughts and advice.....
Turmeric: Hi, anyone take Turmeric. My... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Hi I've been taking a curcumin supplement with lansoprazole for almost 6 years. There is evidence of an interaction which results in increased acidity (the drug becomes less effective). I haven't been able to find out the nature of the interaction. However, I take the lansoprazole and curcumin at diifferent times of the day and that has worked without any clear disadvantages. Curcumin is the active ingredient of turmeric, and both turmeric and curcumin are not very well absorbed. There are formulations that increase absorption - and taking either with pepper particularly increases absorption. If all else fails, have a curry !
I think you are right that Turmeric / curcumin has a warning about not taking it for inflammatory conditions if you are also taking medication that reduces stomach acid, but that may mean that you need to be extra careful about getting the balance right, as DavidP has pointed out. Some medications and chemicals can fight against each other. I would feel inclined to ask a pharmacist what they think, as it is the sort of problem that they come up against every day. Ideally you want the benefits of both, but there may be some medication that solves the problem for you.
Hi Alan thank you for your reply - I think I will consult the pharmacist.
I am taking lanzoprazole which is as we know a PPI for just over two years and I also do take turmeric. I generally have it in food like mashed potatoes or cauliflower, and of course curry generally with vegetables and I never realised there was a problem with interaction.
I have reduced my intake of lanzoprazole to one 10mg tablet in the morning and the turmeric generally late afternoon / early evening.
I would have to say I have felt no ill effects, but I shall have to investigate the problems associated with it.
This whole area is fraught with quackery and 'naturopath' zealotry.
To try and sidestep all that I grow my own and so ensure a regular supply of fresh, uncontaminated root.
Small quantities of this ( a single finger joint) are sliced/grated into pilau rice and the like and infused as a 'tea' with fresh lemon.
Any overdose and the intestines protest vociferously, from both ends ..... so it's obviously quite potent an irritant.
I do this as a systemic anti-oxidant as it is too dangerous for us eosophagectomites to take a therapeutic daily low dose Aspirin.
I have never taken PPIs.