hi, i have a compressed oesophagus , not from cancer ,but this site is the closest site for help i can find .and have kindly been told on here i share similar problems eating wise .
my question is could what i am feeling be spasms . these when i first had them fifteen years ago , went on to massive heart palpitations and casuitly on several occasions , to be told i was having a panic attack . heart checks confirmed few missed beats but all ok . after diagnosis of marked extremes of compression , i now know it is really my oesophagus and can remain calmer through them .most times its a spasm flutter feeling up my breast bone , that can last just a couple of minuits , but last night they went on for eight hours , usually my husband drives me around in the car while i drink hot water and try to relax ,the panic years are hard to shake off .. but last night after four hours ! we had to give up and i just came to bed and suffered them . then my stomach gurgeled and growled like it does when really hungry and they just stopped .
does anybody else get these symptoms ? as they lasted so long this time , after a while i did manage to be completly calm and the sensation was of a grip / flutterfrom my stomach setteling in the base of my neck with a tightening ,feels hard to breath but i can as i didnt pass out .i tried all my usual coping , hot water cold water , ice cream . gaviscone ++ and rennie , it was after the rennie that it did stop but could have been coincidence .
eating latley had become so stressfull that i havent been getting enough food down i know , today i hope to finally pick up my nutrasip meal replacements to help . spoke on the phone to diatitian at hospital who prescribed .when i saw the gp yesterday she just couldnt seem to take in how much i am strugeling with this , she said its so rare that there isnt a place for me or a clinic where i can be sent for help .i showed her a picture we took from the screen at the hospital of the compression and i asked if it was severe or just mild and was told she didnt know but it looked quite a small space ,
after diagnosis by ent ,i said so soup and ice cream it is , and he said yes , but im not finding it a simple as that . i seem to be able to have two table spoons of food , pureed or chewed untill its disintergrated in my mouth .before it feels blocked and this then takes two hours to go down , i know when it does as i get the gurgle like a blocked plug ,any more and the spasms set off ,so i really just prefere liquids at the moment to avoide the spasms . the comment from the radiographer , im not suprised you cant eat solid foods , you can barly get liquids down , ie the barium ! does stick in my head a bit .
i am so aware that there are people on here coping with much worse diagniosis and im sorry if this sounds trivial , bit if spasms are a common symptom , i would really appreciate knowing how anyone else copes with them .
wishing everyone as good a health day as they can have .