Well, on Thursday 15th Feb I will be having my 5 yearly check-up with my consultant. If he`s happy with my progress then.....that`s it DISCHARGED
How time has flown, been on several cruises, become a grandfather for the 3rd time, spend hours making wooden toys for grandkids, dolls house, moneyboxes, rocking scooter and a lock/handle board for grandson who likes playing with door handles PLUS my wife and I decided to move house last September, so we all no what that includes.......keeping me busy.
So life continues on, day by day, taking each day as it comes.
Health wise no I`m still not 100%, still get pain in my ribs and back (scar area) Still eat what I want to, yes I still tend to forget....brain says have more then later realise I shouldn't have, but a glucose table lie down and cat nap for 1/2 hour and then I start to feel better. Having said that life is for living and I am so grateful that I was diagnosed early, and had a good team, (Mr Wadley from Worcester Royal)
Otherwise I`m fine, at 62 very close to 63, get the odd cold, ache and pains but I put those down to old age.
For those starting out on this journey, it may seem worrying and daunting but you are not alone, with the help of family and friends for support and sites like this there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel.
For me support came from my long suffering wife who had to put up with my problems to start with, and 2 sons, one who had just passed his driving test when I had my op. because my wife couldn't drive he drove her to the hospital everyday 35 miles including motorway.
So hopefully still got more years left, besides garden still needs doing, more wooden toys to make, and house to decorate when good!!! weather comes. Plus still waiting for our youngest son (23) to get married.
Best wishes to everybody, keep taking each day as it comes and enjoy life.
Mick xxxx