I have suffered from LPR for over 30 years. Because it covers m as by different doctors can r get the treatment right. Does anyone know a doctor in the UK that specialises in this disease.
Barrel: I have suffered from LPR for... - Oesophageal & Gas...

On the basis that LPR (laryngo-pharyngeal reflux) may well be connected to reflux of stomach contents from the stomach affecting your throat, and possibly your voice, you may wish to consult a gastroenterologist about this. It will depend on where you are living. If you are in London you could ask for a referral to University College Hospital (Professor Laurence Lovat) for instance, or St Thomas' hospital (Jason Dunn).
There are also private clinics that deal with this condition.
If you have long term reflux problems, you should be concerned about having a check up for potential Barrett's Oesophagus.
Professor Stephen Attwood nugits.nhs.uk/nugits/surgeo... has a special interest in patients who suffer from reflux but who do not get their problems resolved for various reasons.
There are of course many others, and the above really only relates to personal knowledge and connections, rather than any detailed knowledge of your case history.

Thank you so much Alan for the names of the possible doctors. The frustrating part is because it sits between two specials fields of medicine it is not understood very well. I have tried all diets all medicine but I think. It needs the op only way to stop the pepsins irritating the throat.
If it comes to anti reflux surgery they will be able to refer you on, but otherwise come back to me.
Thank you so much Alan I will do