Hi all
I hope everyone is well as can be expected this lovely sunny day 😊
Please can i have your advice? I have felt very uncomfortable today, I havent eaten anything but I have had pain in my chest and as the day has gone on I have felt that I am not getting enough air?
When I try to breath deeply the pain in my chest increases could this be the Achalasia?
I find that after a couple of mouthfuls of food I am really struggling for breath and have to breath really deeply to get enough air into my lungs? Could this be my easophagus leaning on my trachea?
I rang my consultants secretary today but they still haven't had the Monemtry tests back yet so I have to call back on Friday hopefully they will have arrived and she can get me in to see the doc ASAP
I just need a bit of reassurance really and wondered if any of you lovely people could help me 😊
Thank you