I have been diagnosed with OCD, and I have been on antidepressants for almost a month now, but my parents do not know anything about it and I don't know how to tell them. I feel nervous because I don't know how they'll react and I don't they aren't familiar with OCD so it will take them by surprise etc. I really want to tell them so they can help and support me along my journey. If any of you are parents or have gone through this I would appreciate some advice
How to tell parents: I have been diagnosed with... - OCD Support
OCD Support
How to tell parents

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My parents know about my depression and anxiety but I've never told them about my off. This is because I am ashamed of the type of odd I have . I would tell them what you think they could cope with.
I am a mother and I was recently diagnosed myself. it is nothing to be ashamed of its not your fault. you shouldn't have to go through it alone. I would tell them you have an anxiety disorder. and sometimes you can't get stuck thoughts out of your head that cause you anxiety. Don't need to go into too much detail. And as far as support everyone on here can relate so vent away!
Do tell them! Most of us with OCD go to considerable lengths to conceal our condition, because it's so little understood, often misunderstood and downright embarrassing.
But there is nothing to be ashamed of, and your parents may well be far more sympathetic than you imagine they will be. They may even have guessed that something is the matter.
Having the support of your family and friends makes a lot of difference to how you cope with your OCD. If they have difficulty in understanding, then try suggesting they read a bit about it, and point to articles or chapters in self help books or online that might help them.
I'm sure they want what is best for you and want to support you however they can.
I am a parent of a child with OCD. Please tell your parents, they may already have an idea that you have 'something going on' , but haven't approached you on it. And having family members that understand will really help you to fight this awful disorder you are battling. Maybe present them with a book on OCD when you tell them so they can understand what it is. Or show them this site! Sadly, most people who don't suffer with OCD only understand what they read in the media, and we all know that is really misleading. Be brave, I'm sure they will be supportive once they are aware and have had time to digest all that is OCD. Good luck!
Please tell them, I’m sure they care about you and they could do something to help you.
I would just try to sit them down and before you tell them make sure you come across as serious and tell them it’s not a laughing matter because I tried to tell some of my family members and they just couldn’t connect how important it was cuz I wasn’t as serious because I was afraid. But don’t be afraid your not alone❤️
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