Has anyone tried Cymbalata for OA pain?
Cymbalata : Has anyone tried Cymbalata... - Osteoarthritis Ac...

I can't imagine a reputable medical practitioner prescribing this for pain. If it's prescribed for depression etc then that might, in turn reduce the perception of pain I suppose. Why not ask your pharmacist?
Actually they do prescribed Cymbalta for pain management but if you have thyroid issues I would not recommend taking Cymbalta.
I see you are in the US. Your prescription guidelines differ from ours!
Yes, Im in the US. However it does say
Cymbalta is also used in adults to treat nerve pain caused by diabetes (diabetic neuropathy), or chronic muscle or joint pain (such as low back pain and osteoarthritis pain).Cymbalta is also used to treat fibromyalgia(a chronic pain disorder) in adults and children at least 13 years old.
I think doctors are hanging their hats on this pain relief belief and I personally wouldn’t take it I had bad experience with it…. I took it for psoriatic arthritis pains and the only thing it did for me is caused me to become hyper.
I took it years ago when my knee first bothered me, and it did work for the OA in my knee.Right now I hurt do much all over that quality of life is terrible.
I don't know what else to do.
try it again if it wasn’t a bother for you years ago Im sure it will be fine now.
I use Australian dream cream it’s expensive and might not work for you Or Voltran gel which never worked for me but could work for you.
Is your diagnosis definitively OA? When I hurt all over I thought it was pre-existing OA getting (much) worse. After a year found out I had developed polymyalgia rheumatica and there is effective symptom treatment (although no cure) for PMR.
Not losing weight and still éat really well. I haven't had any fever. Just ever joint in my body hurts whether I use them or not. Hips, shoulders, neck, knees... Just all day, all night awful.
From my pre-diagnosis days I remember such things as having trouble turning over in bed, Getting up in the morning was a four step process as I gingerly got myself vertical. I spent many nights sitting in a comfy chair as that seemed better than lying down. I still managed some yoga and physio exercises and remember one evening it took me half an hour to get up off the floor when I was done. Thought I would have to give up driving as I was having trouble turning my head enough to shoulder check properly. My neighbour's daughter remarked to her mother after seeing me struggle up my front steps that "Mrs ____ must have really bad arthritis".
A new doctor diagnosed me, having been more or less considered a hypochondriac old woman by the previous one who, luckily for me, moved away.
The pain was very like extreme muscular pain from over-exercising, only it never went away, as one normally recovers from exercise.
I don't recall ever having a fever, and I did lose weight eventually, but had been suffering these symptoms for over a year by then.
I do have thyroid problems and am on levothyroxine.
When is the last time you had a complete thyroid test done?
FT3, FT4, TSH and T3 …. Iron and calcium
About a month ago
Do you belong to the thyroid group here? If so create a post add in your results including ranges and let everyone see them they may actually have a solution if your pains are thyroid induced. Maybe you should also see if you can see a Rheumatologist.
Medicare in the US is a problem
i was put on Cymbalta for my post partum depression after going thru way too much after having son in sept 2016. That’s actually when all these other issues began too. So yes the Cymbalta helps my nerves, but if i only knew then what i know and have been thru now from taking cymbalta. Please read up about your meds!
I found out soon enough that the withdrawal from cymbalta is worse than what they say a heroin withdrawal. The first time i didnt make to pharmacy, it was the night of the 2nd day id missed my daily dose. I began getting these very painful zaps in my fingers and toes, they were red and swollen and literally felt on fire! All that night into next day it continued but worse and worse! I was literally screaming from the continuous fire strikes all over my body!!!
Do not start unless have no other options
And if you do make sure you never ever run out !