What type of health care provider has helped you the most? Primary care, Physical therapist, pharmacist, occupational therapist, etc.?
What are you looking for when seeing a provider as far as treatment or management?
What type of health care provider has helped you the most? Primary care, Physical therapist, pharmacist, occupational therapist, etc.?
What are you looking for when seeing a provider as far as treatment or management?
Hi, I have osteoarthritis in my knees (one I had a TKR), my neck, my back and shoulders. So far, deep muscle massage has helped, even though it doesnt last long. Also, using microwavable packs, which I use on my neck and back work well. And, I know its not recommended, but I bought a heating pad that stays on and I put it one setting 1 and sleep on it. Helps my back a lot. I also do neck exercises I got from my PT. I cant walk right now because there is 4 feet of ice and snow on the ground. Thank goodness Spring is around the corner!😊