I'm having a hard time figuring out how this site works.
I'm new how do I learn about what's g... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
I'm new how do I learn about what's going on,?
Welcome to the community, Mykoes! HealthUnlocked is not so new but our osteoarthritis community is fairly new so we're all learning along with you. We're a community of people who experience osteoarthritis and related chronic pain conditions (along with a few of us administrators from the US-based Osteoarthritis Action Alliance coalition to increase awareness and public health recommendations for OA prevention and management.) Ask questions, respond to other folks, share your story, offer solutions or lessons learned from your own experience, invite others to join - up to you how you want to engage or might find it useful. Thanks for stopping by!
I do not see a lot of activity on it. I am also on the kidney sites, and have found the people there are very active and helpful.