Has anyone else been on these? And did you have an eye test before going on them?
Hydroxychloroquine: Has anyone else been on these? And... - NRAS
Yes lots of people here on on this DMARD. I take it in combination with injectable Methotrexate. My GP gave me a very basic eye test but I'd recently had my eyes checked by the opthalmist anyway. My consultant told me that eye problems on the lower doses (400mg and under) are extremely rare and usually people are fine - but if doses are too high for body weight or if body weight reduces a lot it's best to move down a dose - especially after five years because it's cumulative. I'm having my annual eye test later this month - don't think anything has changed but my eyes are very long sighted anyway and this worsens quite rapidly with age. Hope this helps.
Thank you TildaT, I think I will get them checked just to be on the safe side.
My GPs prescribe my meds and they would only let me have it after an eye test at rheumy's instructions. As Dotty's said its essential to provide a comparative baseline just in case you have a very rare side effect of macular degeneration.

Hi Tilda
I am glad I just read your reply because, I have been wondering for quite some time, of the possibility of what is causing difficulties with my eyes, I have been on MTX and Hydroxy since May 2012, at that time, I had my contacts test for new contacts, they needed to be strengthened, But didnt have regular eye test at that time, I am Due now, I would be intersted to see the difference from 2 years ago since my Eye Check Up, as I have Notice a Massive difference, I dont wear my contacts often as I am about 90% housebound at the moment, But to use compute or see something up close, I have to wear My 2.0 magnification cheapie readers, Over My Eyeglasses from 2 years ago, And I know that isnt helping, I have also noticed Frying Out, especially in Right eye, Glad I read this, Thought it was just me
Hope you are doing well these days
(((Hugs))) Lisa Xx
My consultant was very specific that I had to have an eye test, and that I had to tell the optician exactly why. The optician was brilliant and showed me my own retinas on a screen (though I think this isn't compulsory), and explained exactly what she was looking for. As an added bonus she said that my retinas were in very good condition for a woman of my age!
I think as much as anything, it's like having Xrays when you're diagnosed - it provides a baseline to compare any changes with.
Hope that helps.
Dotty x
Thanks Dotty, never thought of telling them what it was for but I will now. Xx
Yes ive just started hydroxy after i had my eye test, took meds with me to show optician.
I have regular eye tests due to wearing contact lenses.
Thanks for all information, I will get the appointment sorted and tell them about the meds. Xx
Hi,I've been taking hydroxy for 7 months now with no side effects. I've had my eyes tested once before I started taking them at my consultants request & once since,alls well & the meds are working. X
Thanks Caza, glad to hear your meds are working. X
Hiya, i was told to get my eye's checked, but i was still aloud to start the meds, I have been on them now for 8 weeks, and have only just had mine checked, lucky for me there was no problems,
My optician was also very good and ask me a lots of questions, and explained to me what to look out for, I hope you have a great experience like me, Take Care xx
Thanks Shirt girl,I hope they work for me as well. Have a good day x
Hi all, while I was in hospital I was put on Hydroxy and was sent to have my eyes checked. My Consultant made it very clear that I was to have my eyes checked yearly instead of the usual 2 years, which I am grateful for, as in my case they have deteriated each time. I don't know if anyone else has this, but by the end of the day my eyes are wet, as if I've just been crying, some times I have tears trickling down my '' chubby'' cheeks. Take care Ann x
I was told to have a yearly one as well Ann, might do me good I'm the worlds worst vat saying I'm getting my eyes checked then another year goes by....this time I will do it. Don't like the sound of eyes being wet, I've heard some people saying about dry eyes, not looking forward to this at all, but none of us are. Love Elaine x

I know what you mean !! I opted for ''proper'' opticians as appaused to a 'high street'' optician. Although they are more expensive, I felt at ease, not being rushed and could discuss any questions I had. Good luck Elaine, take care, speak soon love Ann x
hi i started them a few weeks ago,i had to have an eye test before starting them and told to have one yearly and this is also written on the meds when i get them ,good luck xx
Hi, its not written on my meds!! Its always odd that one do it and not the others, hope its helping you. Love Elaine x
Wasnt written on my meds but consultant was insistant.
I get phone call from opticians when my eye tests are due. I can have them done evey 6 months due to contact lense scheme but if my sight is ok i just go every year.
And It happened to me two weeks ago. I went to Boots to have my eyes tested- I was in there for 2 hours. The optician found I had bronze circles forming at the back of my eyes, he took photos of it with a special eye camera- its amazing. He showed me the cause of concern he referred me to see an eye specialist , the appointment came thru on Wednesday of this week, He feels sure it the hydroxy thats caused this but not confiming anything til I have been to the hospital. I have been taking this drug since July 2011.
Caroline xx
Yes I was on this for a long time, but had to come off because of bad rash. I did have a eye exam every year. Never had anything wrong. I hear some people have problemss with their eyes. We all take these drugs to stay out of pain. Good luck
, I have been wondering for quite some time, of the possibility of what is causing difficulties with my eyes, I have been on MTX and Hydroxy since May 2012, at that time, I had my contacts test for new contacts, they needed to be strengthened, But didnt have regular eye test at that time, I am Due now, I would be intersted to see the difference from 2 years ago since my Eye Check Up, as I have Notice a Massive difference, I dont wear my contacts often as I am about 90% housebound at the moment, But to use compute or see something up close, I have to wear My 2.0 magnification cheapie readers, Over My Eyeglasses from 2 years ago, And I know that isnt helping, I have also noticed Frying Out, especially in Right eye, Glad I read this, Thought it was just me
It may just be you and same goes for LuckyJoy - and me of course. Its very rare that the drug at this dose will cause eye damage. I think once you hit 40 eyes can deteriorate pretty rapidly and over 50 its even more extreme. So best not to assume its the drug - I'm not but will let you know what optician has to say after I've seen him a week in Thursday. He and rheumy said every two years quite sufficient unless you've been in it for over five years or are taking 600mg plus. Tilda xxx
I asked my optician what kind of damage Hydroxy might do.
He said that it can affect the sharpness of your vision.
The example he gave was that if a white plate sits on a white cloth, it can be difficult to see the outline of the plate.
But as others have said, we tend to be on moderate doses which are unlikely to cause trouble.
Sounds reassuring, thank you x
Hi, I haven't been on Hydroxychloroquine for very long..about 6 Months or less. When i first went on it i got am exam..Dr made me. But i wasn't taking it as prescribed missing doses for the first 3 months, didn't realize how important it was to take dosing as prescribed.. The last 10 wks i have been taking like clockwork on times ..I have defiantly noticed a difference in my sight . I don't know if it's because of the Hydroxychloroquine, or it's just a coincidence due to my age..I do know it's one of the possible side effect's....Good luck..Joni