can we(RA) expect to be mobile till we die using medi... - NRAS


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can we(RA) expect to be mobile till we die using medicines prescribed and being under doctor cunsultation

jhansiranisurineni profile image
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15 Replies

Hi. My only thought on this is. We are so different how RA affects us, and then how the meds affect us and how lucky we are with the consultant and nurses we have. So it think it is just as difficult to predicate how things will pan out in the future.... I really don't think there is a straight answer. BUT I think nowadays if you have just been diagnosed in the last few years, the approach to getting on top of and control RA is far better than previously and we have more chance of staying mobile until the end of time..... hopefully.

Julie x

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jhansiranisurineni in reply to

Hi Julie

I thank u very much for your positive reply.. I am suffering from RA from the age of 25,now I am 52 I underwent total knee replacement at the age of 47,I go to regular check-ups and using medicines and RA is in control.Only sometimes I think how it will be in oldage?and can we manage with it in our old age.Hope I lead a independent life till the end.


hope so too/x

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jhansiranisurineni in reply to


I thank u very much for your positive reply.. I am suffering from RA from the age of 25,now I am 52 I underwent total knee replacement at the age of 47,I go to regular check-ups and using medicines and RA is in control.Only sometimes I think how it will be in oldage?and can we manage with it in our old age.Hope I lead a independent life till the end.

Well, there are no guarantees in life! But whereas RA used to be a fast route to profound disability the outlook is now much brighter. It depends if your RA responds well to treatment and if you get that treatment promptly. Everyone's pathway through this disease is individual. I've only met one person who went rapidly into remission and quite a few like me who've gone one step forward and 2 steps back but kept plodding on. If you have other health problems it complicates matters. However, despite complications, I intend to remain as mobile as possible for as long as possible using as many adaptive aides as possible:-)

Cece x

ps Joint Protection is the big thing - if you haven't seen an Occupational Therapist then ask for a referral, this is what they specialise in!

jhansiranisurineni profile image

Hi Cece

Thank u for your valuable advise to go to occupational Therapist.Till now I didnt see him.I will try to consult him.


in reply to jhansiranisurineni

Hi again!

Came across this informative publication about Joint Protection. It will give you some useful tips until you are able to see an Occupational Therapist.

Lyn x

Hello, from reading your profile I can see you have had RA many years so generally for people like us who have had the disease a long time I don't think our future will be drug free. Of course they may one day find a cure but if the joint damage as already been done then the only way of correcting that is by surgery, as you now yourself.

Having a positive outlook on life and making the most of what we can do instead of focusing on what we can't can only be a good thing.

Accepting what as happened to us too and still happening,going from one drug to another operation after operation, it's not nice and can certainly wear us down at times, but I don't think we have much choice but to be strong head up and carry on.

Take care, hope to hear from you again

Mandy xx

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jhansiranisurineni in reply to

Hi Mandy

I am happy to see your answer.I know that I cannot lead a drug free life,but I want myself to be independent in our daily activities-cooking etc,any how I am depending on my sons financially as I cant go out for a job.Here in India we cant get jobs like in US or Uk.I worked as primary teacher for nearly 14 years,but unable to continue as it demands standing for a long time.I heard that in US or UK we get good jobs even we are handicapped partially..

in reply to jhansiranisurineni

Yes that's true and I know you must feel awful having to rely on your son's financially. I know you must have RA that's very aggressive as you have had it for a long time like I have, I don't work either due to the RA. I didn't mean to sound abrupt that is just the way I am I'm afraid I get straight to the point.

Please accept my apologies if I sounded uncaring towards your predicament I certainly didn't mean too.

Take care

Mandy xx


Interesting to hear about your experiences and to compare india with Uk. I have to confess I know little of how services are provided in India. I have a friend who is a GP originally from India- I know that families are very supportive of each other as ageneral rule and it is often the expectation that Children support their parents. I think I am right but please correct me if not. WE have legislation to protect people who have disabilities to enable them to work - what happens in the area where you live?

I love it that our site is going global

Best Wishes

fiona xx

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jhansiranisurineni in reply to

Hi fiona

I am to see your reply.As you heard ,its correct,here families are very much supportive.I had good support financially and emotionally from my parents in laws in the initial stages.Later from my siblings specially my sister in many aspects like shopping for us,accompanying me to doctor and during my elder son's marriage.After children are grown up(i have 2 sons)they are supporting financially and I take up tuitions at home for primary classes.I am lucky I feel even now I have parents to listen to me and attend me when I need.I have a best friend who is a emotional councelor who is supporting me emotionally in all stages.Now I will do all my house hold work,only the thing is I cant carry on my profession to earn(for my satisfaction)still I have a passion to teach which is not that much practically(as I cant stand for long time)I do have confidence but people here don't offer jobs after 50's and for orthopedically handicaps.I am fine or else.Only I am not able to fulfil my wish to work.Even children are not willing me to go out and work.I searced for work from home but they say all such are fake.I live in the state of Andhra Pradesh in HYDERABAD.


Hi :)

As others have said RA is a very individual disease and there is no certain future for any of us as regards our ongoing health and abilities. However, with the onset of modern drugs and surgical procedures in the field of RA so much more is now available to us than when I was first diagnosed 23 years ago. At that time little was on offer to treat the disease and nothing to slow its progress. A future with significant disability through joint damage was really all there was.

What medication are you on at the moment? Do you have a number of different treatments available in India? Have you had other surgery along the way? I have had many different drug treatments and 12 or so surgical proceeds.

I haven't worked for 21 years and it is very hard to be dependant upon others. I had to leave my job due to the RA; at that time legislation wasn't in place to help those with chronic illnesses and disabilities I am sure you offer your family support in many other ways which is equally valuable although financially you are unable to contribute.

I suppose as we get older our mobility will be impaired to the same extent as any other older person. We slow down and have to deal with the additional wear and tear on our joints (osteoarthritis). Hopefully though the RA will remain stable and controlled by the medication.

Be positive, stay positive :)

Lyn x

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jhansiranisurineni in reply to


As you said her we have good support of families.Now children are supporting me.I tried many alternative medicines,but I felt that I am comfortable with allopaty.Now I am under methotrexate.I am fine and able to manage my house hold work and also go out to bring grocery etc.With positive thinking I am living happily with RA.Usually I never think of future,but a small doubt somewhere in my mind made me to ask this question,I am happy to see all these answers.


I think all the above responses are right everyones ra is different. I still don't have control over my ra as they are still looking for a combination of drugs that work for me without a high dose of pred! So for the past few years my mobility has been very poor anyway. I use sticks to walk short distances but anything more I use a wheelchair about 9 months ago my gp and ot decided to give me an electric chair due to not getting out much. WHen my new electric chair arrived there were lots of buttons that didn't do anything when I asked the ot what they all did she said nothing yet but we decided to upgrade my control pad so if I did get worse it would be easy to alter. I got really worried at this point but I've gotten over it now. I aim to get better mobility wise as I am hoping my enbrel works soon. I know accepting help and even worse asking for help is not something we want to do but if it helps us through the bad times then its worth it x x

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