As if RA was,nt enough i,ve now got grade 2 spondylolisthesis and moderate facet joint arthrosis,in the morning the pain is awful it feels like a really bad flare up,has anyone else got any of these problems and if so what do you do or take to ease the pain.Many thanks.
BACK PROBLEMS: As if RA was,nt enough i,ve now got... - NRAS
Oramorph is my go to pain killer when things are really bad. Other than that i have my normal pills that i regularly. xxx
Yes, I also have severe degenerative OA in my spine with a grade 2 spondylolisthesis, facet joint inflammation and a natural fusion between 3 lumbar vertebrae .I'm in hospital just now waiting for medial branch block ( I have sciatica and altered leg sensations too ) as I cannot find a pain med that suits. I'm also intolerant of many meds.
I take daily oral prednisolone for my largely uncontrolled RA, it helps with the back problems in the morning.
I've just recently started nortriptyline, not sure how it is working yet.
Opiod / opiate based meds give me hallucinations, so I haven't tried them for my back pain. I would also be concerned that once you start taking this type of med for long term pain relief, you can easily become addicted.
I also use Ravlo lidocaine pain patches, which take the edge off things.
Otherwise it the old ice / heat pads comfortable positions and so on.
A warm shower onto the lower back helps too temporarily.
I hope you find something that helps.
Sad to say that I also have the same problem apart from being disabled and in a electric wheelchair.the advice that I was given was take Paracetamol .sad to say that I also have been taking morphine for years and now it is not working to good. I was once again told that it is wear and age. It's now made my wife I'll with the extra work.I sometime expect it with my age 75.
Thank you for your reply,in the morning it,s the worst pain ever,i suppose at my age being 65 it was to be expected.Take care.
Addiction shouldn't be a consideration if someone is in severe pain. Relief is the goal for any pain medication. Lidocaine patches do help some people and some people find the opiate patches easier than the tablets. For us opiates work usually for most people but the way to use them is to start off with a small long acting opiate and depending on how much oramorph you have to take on top of that you increase your dose till you get to what works for you. The palliative care team are usually our advisors or pain control team. Most palliative care teams should be able to help out with end of life situations the pain teams usually have a long waiting list, so ask for referral and get help where you can.