carpal tunnel issues: hello everyone. I’ve been having... - NRAS


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carpal tunnel issues

AR50cyclist profile image
23 Replies

hello everyone. I’ve been having huge issues with carpal tunnel pain in both left and right wrists recently. Seem to be alternating! Currently on 25mg MTX weekly and HCL. Has anyone had much success with wearing splints at night. I’ve been trying to manage this with splints, icing and ibuprofen but can’t cope with another sleepless night, it’s agony!!

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AR50cyclist profile image
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23 Replies
julie1908 profile image

Poor you, I know your pain as had this on and off for years. I had the op a few times but unfortunately it comes back after a couple of years. I did find wearing sprints did help sometimes and also when it was really bad in the night I use to get up and run cold water on my wrists. X

Sunset54 profile image
Sunset54 in reply to julie1908

hi Julie

I had both wrists done over 30 years ago. I have never had any problems with carpal tunnel syndrome since. Do suffer with pain in both now but that the RA. I do find metal splints helpful as it ‘rests’ the joints. Often wear them at night. Hope you get some relief soon. Best wishes

nomoreheels profile image

I found the splints helpful to a degree but I persevered as my Consultant considered they should help. The most helpful thing I found before the op was dangling my arm to release the pressure on the nerve, it helped going to sleep as by the time I had the op the pain had travelled to my shoulder. Af the time it was only my left affected & as it happens I lie on the left side of the bed. It was for CT that I was first prescribed co-codamol 30/500mg.

When I had bilateral CT it was as a result of leflunomide & once it was stopped so did the CT symptoms. MTX hasn't & HCQ didn't affect me this way. It does bring to question though if you're well enough controlled given it's an inflammatory condition, though it's just one of a few potential causes.

Cal48 profile image

had both wrists carpel tunnel Only improved with the op.

Splints helped a bit. I think if you are able to have the ops. This is best I am on Lefluamide and methotrexate and my wrists are much improved since the ops about 10 years ago.

The ops were day cases but will give you great relief.

AR50cyclist profile image
AR50cyclist in reply to Cal48

good to know! Thanks for that. Appointment with GP next week.

Gladders profile image

I had CP a few years ago, absolute agony at night the night splints didn't help as I felt it like trying to sleep with a cricket bat strapped to my arm - had the operation, after a few uncomfortable days the relief was amazing and has been ok ever since - hope you manage to get something sorted to get some relief.

AR50cyclist profile image
AR50cyclist in reply to Gladders

that’s good to know. Going to chat to my GP next week. Got some sleep last night at least!

Runrig01 profile image

I have had the similar pain in both hands with tingling and numbness. My rheumatologist said it was carpal tunnel and asked my gp to refer me. Had the nerve conduction studies done, which showed it wasn’t carpal tunnel, but was coming from my neck. I have a straightened C spine and the disc at C6-7 has been slipped for 11yr, and has calcified in the slipped position and starting to press on the outer layer of the spinal cord. I’ve just had an updated MRI with a view of referring me to Kings.

AR50cyclist profile image
AR50cyclist in reply to Runrig01

thanks for your reply. This gives me more information to chat to my GP about. Hopefully now they know what your problem is a solution can be found.

Scottishlad profile image

I have found splints can help at night. I tend to wake up finding that I have sleeping with my arms folded. Definitely not how I drop off but this is how I wake up!

Biofreak profile image

Hi I've suffered with carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists and it's a pain that gnaws away at you. As a short term fix my GP at the time injected a steroid into the carpal tunnel in both wrists which worked. However it does return unless your RD is under control with the right combination of meds that works for you. I also expect that being a cyclist, if your username is anything to go by, your wrists probably take a fair amount of pressure and vibration which may exacerbate the problem. I never found wrist splints helpful unfortunately.

AR50cyclist profile image
AR50cyclist in reply to Biofreak

Thankyou for taking the time to reply. I do cycle a lot, so you’re right my wrists probably don’t like it and gardening makes it noticeably worse too. I’ve got an appointment with my GP next week so I’ll see what she says, I don’t want to not be able to do any of my favourite things!!

Biofreak profile image
Biofreak in reply to AR50cyclist

Hopefully this can be overcome with the right treatment. You obviously don't want to have to stop doing your favourite things. A referral to an occupational therapist helped me to adjust the way I handled things when I was doing day to day housework and activities that put pressure on my wrists which is definitely one of my weakest areas. I use some soft wrist supports called totes isotoner wrist supports. You can buy them on Amazon but you have to make sure you get the right size. Good luck when you see the doctor.

AR50cyclist profile image
AR50cyclist in reply to Biofreak

I’ll look into those supports thanks!

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to Biofreak

As so often what works for one person doesn't work for another. Always worth trying different thing see what helps, and what doesn't.

Saying that diet plays a big part in many issues people face. As our food is such quality, full of pesticides chemicals with nutrients destroyed by radiation so it looks better on the shelf for longer. Its no wonder so many of us have issues

Unfortunately we have to eat, its important to remember that no matter how well we think our diet is its lacking. We need to take good quality vitamin drink clean water and look at taking some kind of protein. Eating less red meat also has consequences. The occasional steak has fantastic health

Ive found creatine monohydrate to be very effective at treating my ra and have got movement back in my trigger thumb. I can still tell its there especially in the morning but its such a relief not having so much pain and being able to use my hand again. I take much less than the recommended amount. Its a case of listening to your body and only taking what you need

As always with these things do your own research if in dought consult your doctor.

oldtimer2 profile image

I thought that I had carpal tunnel syndrom, but I only had the symptoms during the day and not at night! It turned out to be compression of the C6 nerve in the neck. Just to remind people that can be the cause of the same pain and numbness in the middle index and thumb area.

AgedCrone profile image

I am off to see a surgeon this afternoon with the view of having a carpal  tunnel decompression.I’m not on any drugs at the moment …but I’ve had CT problems for years that have now become immune to splints & painkillers.I understand the procedure is a bit hit & miss… will wait to see what I get offered today 

AR50cyclist profile image
AR50cyclist in reply to AgedCrone

good luck! Hope you get something sorted as it’s horrid living with it.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to AR50cyclist

Hand and arm surgeon tends to agree with my rheumatologist ….I had surgery on my C spine many years ago & rheumy thinks that maybe the problem….so it’s an MRI scan now to eliminate problems there…But if that throws up nothing he will do the decompression.Why is nothing straight forward!?

JulesCurrie profile image

I have been having awful problems recently too. Used to get it occasionally but seem to get it every night for the last week. Just can’t sleep. I get a burning sensation and numbness in my hands and fingers . It’s strange feels line hot blood in my hands and wrists . I had a bath to try and ease it and toyed metal grab rail on bath and it actually felt hot. Very odd sensation. Had anybody else had this feeling.. ?

AR50cyclist profile image
AR50cyclist in reply to JulesCurrie

I definitely get the numb feeling but not the heat. Severe pain and unable to hold anything. Interestingly my friend who also had RA but is in remission used to describe her pain as if her hands were burning, probably depending on which nerves are affected??

janmary profile image

I had CT during pregnancies - and early on in RA experience. Found night splints useful in both cases - but light small ones. It was sorted with effective treatment forRA

Perhaps using wrap round wrist supports during the day - especially when cycling would help?

Scottishlad profile image

If you are keen cyclist it might be worth getting a bike fitting done small changes such saddle height, stem length can make big differences to your ride comfort.

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