Sheila Hancock: Just watched the interview with her on... - NRAS


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Sheila Hancock

vonniesims profile image
42 Replies

Just watched the interview with her on Facebook. Wonderful and informative. Thankyou Sheila ( you will probably read this )

Hope Aged Chrone watches it!

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vonniesims profile image
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42 Replies
AgedCrone profile image

😀Sadly AC won’t….I refuse to have anything to do with FB,

vonniesims profile image
vonniesims in reply to AgedCrone

she says she loves the forum 'tho doesn't contribute and particularly likes you because you are postitive and cheerful

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to vonniesims

Ha!Ha! She should see me sometimes!I have my rants as often as anyone!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to AgedCrone

I’ve just watched it AC, it's on YouTube. It won't let me publish the link so just Google NRAS Sheila Hancock.

She reads the forum & whilst doesn't participate does find it helps. You were named checked… “you're a lovely lady, she loves you because everybody's ranting on & you always come up with something eminently sensible…!”

Although not by name but it must be Sylvi who got a mention too “a lovely character who calls everybody darling”. 

It's a really good interview, so thanks for setting this up Clare & the team if you see this. Just as we hope for any other member Dame Sheila says she feels she's with people who know where she's coming from & know what she's trying to cope with & understand. It was lovely to hear from someone in the public eye living with RD. Whilst have previously heard or read about one or two discussing it disappointingly it rarely is by others known to live with it, (or it's not discussed for professional reasons possibly?).

I'd forgotten it was awareness week until I got the email & did the quiz, though we may have had a reminder on here, I've not been around much as one of our doggies died a couple of weeks ago & been finding things a bit, well, you know.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to nomoreheels

Thanks nmh….I did try eTube……but FB obviously only let the chosen few read their articles….& as I am constantly telling them to xxx off….I must be on their No Let Read list 🤷‍♀️

I don’t know how…altho I think it was trying to see a HU podcast on FB….but FB got my email address & regularly send me messages from dubious sources….which I delete….but still they come ….from the deranged to the downright stupid!

Off message…luverly shoes 🥿on Mode today…..…..but know they won’t fit- dammit!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to AgedCrone

Ah, right. That's a bit shortsighted, only able to view through Facebook. I have an account but don't get involved, mostly used to read the local news. Since they stopped printing the newspaper it's the only way. Obviously NRAS info too & one or two others but I won't involved myself in anything, you'll appreciate why.

Which MiP shoes & where?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to nomoreheels

MiP….Loafers on QVC…...& also lace ups in Clarks….but expensive for .Clarks at £90…..but not as dear as Gucci loafers at £645.

Guess it’s back to Pavers?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to AgedCrone

I've seen some trainers on Pavers site which may be suitable but it irks me that you've to pay postage on a £60 pair, even though returns are free. They are available elsewhere, cheaper on Amazon but typically every other size but mine, annoying as with having Prime they're free next day delivery & free returns.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to nomoreheels

Luckily I have a Pavers within driving distance……but this year when I need. (Want) loafers….. they all seem to be built on 2 inches of heavy rubber and I don’t feel safe driving in shoes like that…..not walking either in fact!

I have just seen theLaver tennis next week featuring Roger Federer’s last appearance is on Amazon Prime TV…. so that means I will get nothing practical done all week. But only if I can figure out how to find it….I think it’s via Eurosport?

The whole thing will probably be over by the time I work out how to find it! Plus Federer’s coach was quoted in the paper this morning saying he may not be fit enough to play! Grrr!!

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply to AgedCrone

Are you sure those emails are actually from Facebook. They sound much more likely to be from scammers pretending to be Facebook.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to bpeal1

As I just delete them I don’t really care.

When FB(?) first started sending messages I politely tried to contact them saying I had NEVER given them my email address & I did not want to hear from them again…they refused to reply.

That to me proves they are untrustworthy…their favourite message is something like “Old friends are trying to contact you”.

I feel like saying any old friends I’ve got I’m still in contact with ….the ones that I am not in contact with ….I don’t want to be in contact….but I won’t waste my time.

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to nomoreheels

Sorry to read about your beloved doggie, I had noticed you hadn't been around.

I hope your recent test went well.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sunnyweek

Thank you Jean, that's very kind of you.

Test has been deferred. The appointment was a pre op, not that I was told when I received the appointment. As none of the symptoms applied to me they sent me on my way with Moviprep to wait for an appointment. Would rather have had it done & over with but you can't lie to get your wish can you?!

Are you ok?

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to nomoreheels

We can't lie, but sometimes its frustrating when things aren't clear; all the best for the new appointment.

I am ok thanks but just recently diagnosed with osteoporosis, bad especially in hip so need treatment, and first need a very mildly wobbly tooth removed as the drug (infusion) rare side affect can affect the jaw healing. So another one to deal with!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sunnyweek

I'm sorry you've been diagnosed with osteoporosis, that's just rubbish. Hopefully the infusion will go some way to retaining your bone density, especially in your hip, & your tooth removal goes without a hitch. I've managed to remain in the osteopenia/borderline osteoporosis range, helped I’m sure by taking advice & increasing dairy in my diet. I can't take bisohosphonates (or ZOL) you see so it was suggested. Take care. x

sunnyweek profile image
sunnyweek in reply to nomoreheels

Glad you got some advice about the osteopenia/osteoporosis range. I need to up the diet and exercise too; many thanks NMH x

in reply to sunnyweek

Daily calcium tablets help too & Vit D helps bodily uptake

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to sunnyweek

Exercise definitely helps. If you can use stairs instead of lifts or escalators, or at least some of the time, though that may be more tricky with your hip. Maybe you’ve been given specific ones. Also, as CripLady says, calcium/vitamin D, I’m prescribed Adcal-D3.

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to nomoreheels

So sorry to hear that - yes, I do know 🥹💐

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Boxerlady

Thank you. I wasn't prepared, it was so quick. I think that was the shocker with her.

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to nomoreheels

We've had two go really quickly (far too young) and one older one with a longer preparation and in some ways it's hard to know which is worse - difficult at any time but good when they don't suffer.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Boxerlady

Oh it's awful, I empathise with you losing them too young. My Misha, my shadow, was only just turned one when we lost her. We did have a precious fortnight extra when we thought she'd made it through, but then she died in the night by my feet, we only realised when waking. Annie was our 6th of 7 dogs & a rescue so unsure of her exact age but she had started to grey round her muzzle. It's what you hope for, as little suffering as possible. Our first was a boxer/lab cross & died in the car after her last walk on the beach on the way to having her put to sleep. Such a good girl, she saved us from that.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to nomoreheels

I'm sorry to read about the loss of your dog NMH, it breaks your Heart when we lose them. X

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Thank you 3LB. It does. x

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to nomoreheels

So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved dog. It's a horrible, heartbreaking thing to go through. Best wishes xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Kags1068

Thanks Karen. It is. x

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to nomoreheels

I've just read above that it was very unexpected. Seems to make it even harder.😪xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Kags1068


AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to nomoreheels

if only I had taken in what you said & Googled NRAS instead of just looking on uTube…..I would have seen it before now!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to AgedCrone

So you've seen it now?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to nomoreheels

Yes….she’s a real Dame isn’t she? I hope I’m still as fit as she is in 8 years time! I so agree with her… over 80…don’t “put up” with anything…just enjoy …………

Jackie1947 profile image

love SH always have. I liked her matter of fact attitude towards RA.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Jackie1947

I did see her on TV when Matt Hancock was SSH& bombarding particularly us oldies with pages long rants which could just have said

“Get vaccinated or die”

Her response was lovely…..she said

“ I think Matt Hancock thinks he is my mother “🤗

patsymay13 profile image

Good to know that NRAS has been helpful and supportive for her , as it has for all of us and also reading this forum where all the great warriors participate 😀

bpeal1 profile image

Here’s the YouTube link.

Turnaround profile image

I would recommend reading her auto-biography 'Old Rage' kept me laughing and crying in equal measure. Inspiring too.

vonniesims profile image
vonniesims in reply to Turnaround

saw her on stage in Ilkley. Great talk

Bails67 profile image

I am so pleased you have mentioned this. I have just listened to the conversation and I found it. very interesting.I found her journey to being diagnosed upsetting, perhaps because it mirrors our own but what a wonderful attitude she has.

Durrell profile image

yes me too!! Fab she mentioned you, but she’s right you can learn so much, tips etc to help along the way 🙏🏻

Akaka profile image

Just listened to it, what a great interview. I love her attitude. Must read the book now, I’ve read some of her other books and she has an amazing balanced view of life.

Boxerlady profile image

Really enjoyed it too and have sent the link to some friends 👌

Paula-C profile image

I watched it a few days ago and I enjoyed every minute of it, I've told 2 of my friends with RA to watch it. I've always liked Sheila Hancock and I like her even more now, her book is on my must read list. She's so down to earth and so so positive about her RA.

Her RA journey was so similar to mine. I had it rumbling for several years, once when my shoulder was agonisingly painful and I went to an out of hours doctors at my hospital I was told by the doctor he thought I'd got RA. Several years later after an awful lot of stress and upset my RA kicked off big time. I kept asking my GP to do a blood test for RA but he said I hadn't got it. I ended up having to go private to be diagnosed and the rest is history as they say.

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