Inflammatory drugs : Inflammatory drugs, am I safe to... - NRAS


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Inflammatory drugs

Vonnie10 profile image
46 Replies

Inflammatory drugs, am I safe to take a 5 butan patch for my RA even with stage 3a ckd ? Thanks people hope your all well...

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Vonnie10 profile image
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46 Replies
AgedCrone profile image

Please ask your doctor

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to AgedCrone

Oh AC can’t get to see her till next week was just asking does anyone take it with having early stages of ckd 3a, it’s my pain patch but if they’ve give me that and it’s making me worst I will flip my lid.. I’ve had nothing but issue with this patch... it’s binned now anyway.. it’s got inflammatory stuff in it with a touch of morphine tiny amount one patch a week.. slow realesse.. my stomachs is in bits.. not eat great for ten ocd is raging... heads banging..I’m driving these all I won’t be taking it .. anyone had issues ?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Vonnie10

If you are in a lot of pain I'd call 111.....they have qualified people there who can get you either a GP apt locally, or a quick A&E apt if they think it's necessary.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to AgedCrone

Ac I can manage till Friday I can’t eat properly so will be eating soups soft breads and so on .

medway-lady profile image

I have stage 4 AKI and it does'nt actually hurt so I'd find out more from your Nephrologist as we are not mecdically qualified and it could be dangerous. All I take is paracetamol as get banging headaches too but I would suggest make sure your drinking enough too. You must like me hve an emergancy contact number or quick access to A&E. Been in and out like a yoyo and had veinous pain relief on one occassion when urine infection gave me a bashing. If you have an infection then pain relief could mask whats wrong so please do go to A&E if all else fails asap.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to medway-lady

Hiya Medway god poor you..I take the patch for the rheumatoid because the rituximab still hasn’t switch it of the RA yet..I’m not under anyone and I’m hoping I never will be for the ckd 3a... hopefully I won’t get any further on.. what I’m saying this butan patch as inflammatory in it as well as dot of morphine..this patch is horrible crazy side effects...but I’m not having my gp say well here we will give you a lanzope for your stomachs cos I can’t eathave pain..that’s defo upset my tummy...and here is a beta block cos it’s made my ocd go through the roof.. my house is like a operating theatre it’s that clean..poor you Medway stage 4 and your heart .. I will,go mad at the gp if they dare try and give me more drugs to counter act this patch...should i have been taking inflammatory drugs in the first place with ckd3A I’ve stopped it binned them so it’s really doesn’t matter what gets said on here cos it’s in the bin we’re it deserves to be.

nomoreheels profile image

I used to be on BuTrans patches, now on Butec, same med buprenorphine. It's metabolised in the liver so that would mean to mean you should be ok, in fact it's used as pain relief for kidney disease so as long as the prescriber is ok in the knowledge you have CKD I would think you'll be ok but if you're unsure it's always best to check with the initial prescriber which I advise you do.

5mcg/hr is the starter dose, so lowest dose available, & increased gradually. I hope you find it as helpful as I do Yvonne. Mine's prescribed as pain relief for OA (it's an analgesic not an anti inflammatory) & have been on 20mcg/hr a couple of years now.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

HMH my doctor told me it’s got anti inflammatory in it so I would check for yourself... so since I’ve been taking it my stomachs is destroyed can’t eat properly that’s the only think I’ve changed and the rituximab which I stared in October .

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

It can cause an upset stomach, but then so can Rituximab. I've never had an upset stomach on either BuTrans or Butec but once the body gets used to the med it settles & generally goes the longer you use them.

The list of ingredients are as follows:

Buprenorphine - a partial/semi-synthetic opioid

Polyacrylate (Durotak 387-2051 & 387-2054) - a resin used in adhesive

Levulinic acid - a plastizier/adhesive

Oleyl oleate - an emollient

Povidone - an antiseptic binder

Polyethylene terephthalate -the fabric of the plaster/patch

There's no anti inflammatory ingredient in it so maybe ask your GP or Pharmacist where you have your scripts filled Yvonne if you understood it to & in are need of an NSAID.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

I thanks heels I get it well all’s I can think is it the rituximab then.. everything else is the same..

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

It can be a very good pain reliever for moderate to severe chronic pain but as with all meds they don't suit everyone. I must have been on it in total around 3 years, I titred up slowly to be sure of what was a suitable dose for me. If you think your stomach problems could be related to Rituximab do speak with your Rheumy or nurse, they may have a solution, it can be misery making constant stomach trouble.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

Heel have you read the side effect of this drug... I’m definetly getting about 4 of them I wondering how long it takes to get out of the system because it slow release ? Any idea ?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

Yes, similar to any in this group of opioid analgesics I'm afraid. They are strong pain relievers & with that can come the possibility of having one or more. Check those for tramadol, another opiate, that is an even more widely used med. I'm either fortunate or less prone to side effects but both BuTrans & Butec have given me wonderful pain relief. Early on when I started 5mcg/hr, the starting dose you have, I did have some side effects but they went within weeks & certainly before my dose was increase to 10 then 15 & my current dose 20mcg/hr. You do have to taper off them, in common with other meds in it's class. It's determining if it's BuTrans or rituximab (or any other med you're prescribed) that's troubling you isn't it?

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

Hi heels no I’ve only had rtx And Butec.. I’m certain it’s the butec but I can’t be @ 100 percent sure.. it was on,y a small dose so I should be fine to stop, I would love to know how long it takes to get out of thecsystm with it been slow release.. I will find out by the coming weekend if it returns o normal then I will know.. always a problem with me never straight forward.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

You know your body better than anyone so talk it over with your prescriber, express how you're feeling & hopefully you can move on to feeling better.

It's half-life (the length of time you feel the benefit halved) is anything from 10 hours to a full day but it could be weeks before it's out of your system altogether if you were tested for drugs say. But you've not been on it very long at the lowest dose so it shouldn't be too long before it's out of your system. Your stomach will probably be the answer to how long I would think, when it feels back to normal. Take care.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

Thanks heels I still have pains in my stomachs and feel jittery I hope it’s the patch an not the rtx.. I don’t want to be feeling like this.. it’s the the feeling jittery I don’t like, I’ve took some cb oil see if that settles me. If it’s the rtx that takes ages to come out of the body.. thank sfor the time and patients .

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Vonnie10

It’s a 7 day patch so half that thanks ..

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

Both BuTec & BuTrans are 7 day patches. It could take a few weeks before it's out of your system, not at all sure you could expect it to be only 3.5 days, it's not how it works just in case you're still having symptoms. Any longer & it maybe look at the rituximab.

I'd be wary of using CBD oil just now even though you're thinking it will help stop how you feel. Buprenorphine & CBD oil can produce withdrawal effects similar to other opioids you stop cold turkey. Some of the withdrawal symptoms of the two together are fatigue, pain & cramps in muscles, nausea or even being sick, lack of appetite, insomnia, irritability & anxiety.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

Hi heel I feel a lot better today still abit jitters but no we’re near as bad. The patch came of Friday .. I definetly had a bad reaction to it and even worst when I stopped but I can say the oil calmed my symptoms down hugely, never in my life have a been like that and never again do I ever want to, feel for anyone who goes through it. Thanks heels you helped me understand it. Have a nice night . X

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Vonnie10

All,them symptoms you listed I had them prior to stopping and more it’s slowly over 2/3 weeks got worst . 3 days of horrendous ocd and banging headache dizziness .

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

Hi H been the doctors she thinks it’s the rituximab? She given me propanol it’s driving me mad ocd and headaches.. so that’s rtx is a no no for me.. will have a time of it now whilst I’m waiting for drug to get out of my body she also said it could be prolonged from the patch like you said I’ve ditch the oil to thanks for your help.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

I'm sorry Yvonne. It's more than a nuisance when it's your major med. Propanol? What's your doctor given you that for?

I didn't know you'd to wait for Rituximab to leave the body before starting another biologic. Let's hope things settle down & try to avoid anything that could upset your joints.

So no more CBD oil. Well, thankfully you're not reliant on that. Take care if the weather's not so good where you are. x

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

Propanol is for the anxiety and ocd mostly the ocd which I’ve never had H .

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

Are you sure that's the spelling? Only propanol is an alcohol, a colourless solvent used in things like antifreeze & aerosols, not a med anyway.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

A beta blocker 1/2 3 Xtimes H to help with my ocd dizziness and anxiety. How long before rtx is out the body? I can’t eat either I’m going to end up sick at this rate.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

Propanolol, just looked it up. It should help your headaches as well.

I think it can take quite a while for Rituximab to leave the body but don't know how soon you can start a new biologic I'm afraid. Your Rheumy nurse should be able to help there.

Do you have a favourite meal or snack you could be tempted with? Mine is peanut butter on toast or crumpet or my Thursday go-to (day after MTX) avocado with gherkin & olives, weird I know.

NeonkittyUK profile image
NeonkittyUK in reply to nomoreheels

Hi NMH and Vonnie10, I remember researching Rituxi before I started having the infusions and I recall reading that it can be found in your serum 3-6 months after you've last had it. I do not know how long you are meant to wait until you can start a new RA med if Rituxi failed? Something I will ask my biologics nurse specialist when I have my next appointment with her later this month. Someone who has just made/is making the switch from Rituxi to a JAK inhibitor/tablets posted on here within the last week. Can you remember who it was? I feel gaga this evening 😝 and falling asleep after a mega hydro/aqua session today and can't seem to think at the mo of who it was? Anyone recall? x

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to NeonkittyUK

Hi Kit I think it’s a fail for me..I can’t go in like this I would end up sicker from the stress it’s putting me under.. my poor family I’m noticing things are making it heightened love my coffee 2 of a morning so that’s out the window..for now..I’m shopping loads.. I need to stop.. but my new throw and cushion look lovely.. my wardrobe getting nice as well.. ha it’s funny and it’s not.. that hydro auqa sound lovely hope you feel all refreshed now kit.. I’m at clinic myself this month so I will speak to the nurse there about changing to something else.. although I’ve been on loads so I don’t know what’s next for me.. devil the drugs that go with this horrible disease. Thanks kit and you take care.😘

NeonkittyUK profile image
NeonkittyUK in reply to Vonnie10

Thank you Vonnie, the aqua/hydro is fab. I recommend all those who get a chance to do it to go for it. I do crazy aqua jogging and a lot of aerobic aqua stuff but it's nice to float and relax a little in between all those efforts. I hope your next rheumy appointment is very productive and you can find out which is the med causing you tummy issues and if it is needed, get a new RA med sorted. It is hard to say with other powerful mess in the mix too isn't it? 😑 It's also hard to keep trying with something that is making you feel not good at all. Been there .. Was asked to try Humira longer than I should have. I was on some hospital med review and was asked to keep going with it due to that when I should had days a big no when I started to plummet. I was too accommodating then ... Not any more, but after 10 weeks I said I was no longer prepared to take it as I'd got so much worse. I was right. It did nothing at all for me. Not a glimmer. I'm glad you're enjoying your shopping. 😀 It is nice to get your wardrobe sorted out. I'm doing that at the mo. Bought a few things over Christmas in the sales and some my hubby bought me. There's always something else to try whether a combo or something solo. I was told by the nurses the next med after Rituxi is another infusion (Toxilizumab usually) If you haven't had that first or the JAK inhibitor, so there's always some new hope. Never give up. Rituxi is my fifth med. Sulpha then Mtx as solo meds worked ace for about 15 years then waned. Then two failed Anti TNFs (Enbrel and Humira) then Rituxi/Mtx since 2014. Hugs to you. xx

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to NeonkittyUK

Hi kit.. I used to go the gym before all this RD.. the pool,was always cold I love swimming yous pool sounds lovely.. I may start going again when this weather picks up.. I’ve not tried any of the jak drugs maybe there my next line of treatment.. yes tox is another one I haven’t tried I’m so sensitive to drugs it’s crazy. Maybe go back to the beginning surely there is some drug that’s suits me.. sulfzalzine wasn’t to bad if I’m prepared to put up with nightmares...Mxt gave me loads of abscesses/cysts..hydoroxquinne made me very sickly upset my stomachs..lefluimide sent my bp though the’s just hard work so I’ve wo options left..Jaks and tox. so let’s hope I get your auqa hydro through physio? I just know my joints are going to kick of When this wears of..and will they start me on new drugs straight away? or do I have to wait? rtx to come out my body? my ocd is raging with it never had ocd so can you image what harm it’s doing to my joints overuse.. I see nurse soon.. lovely.. kit I got lots of stuff in the sale don’t you love the sales. X

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to NeonkittyUK

I can't remember who it was I'm afraid. Maybe if they see this they'll be kind enough to reply & share their thoughts.

No nicer way to be nodding off having worked hard at something you enjoy. Hope you're otherwise ok Julie? x

NeonkittyUK profile image
NeonkittyUK in reply to nomoreheels

Hi NMH, I hope they see this too and let us low about how long before one can start a new med after Rituxi. I googled that question but without success. Just got a load of irrelevant stuff! I always nod off after the hydro as the pool is soooo warm. In summer I stay outside afterwards and do some gardening so don't fall asleep as much, but in winter as soon as my bod hits the sofa I am nodding! Never affects me after a dip in a normal temp pool about 29 degrees but 35/36 is quite like exercising in a big bath! Zaps you. Hope you are keeping well? As I'm going out so much more I've been picking up a lot of cold type infections,some of which have turned chesty and had a few courses of antibiotics but not sure I am being given the right ones. Working on all of this, but I'm doing well with my RA at the mo. xx

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

I see my nurse at the clinic on the 25 I think they’ll send me a reminder.. just don’t fancy anythink.. bits of chocolate then I think it makes me worst the sugar.. Ive bought nice soups from M&S. My hubby as protein shakes I will have them tomorrow if I’m the same.. I may lose a bit of weight which is needed. H thanks for the help and support you’ve been great 👍

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Vonnie10

Anything you can eat is better than an empty tum with meds, if you have any others you can take. Soup sounds delish but protein shake less so. Any port in a storm though eh?

You're more than welcome Yvonne. It's hard when you respond so negatively to something & it makes you feel awful, been there with my h, he's been terrible on some he's trialled.

Keep warm & I hope your nurse is able to be of help. x

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to nomoreheels

H you’ve been a huge help to me I absolutely would have been stuck without you supporting me at this time.. thankyou. X

NeonkittyUK profile image
NeonkittyUK in reply to Vonnie10

Vonnie, What about Complan? You can make it with water if milk is too sickly for you and the vanilla one is very pleasant.

oKerrio profile image

Don’t mean to sound ignorant but what is ckd?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to oKerrio

It's not ignorant, you just don't know. CKD is Chronic Kidney Disease.

You should phone NHS 24 and explain and speak to a doctor as you haven’t been able to see your GP

I have CKD 3a too and I use lidocaine patches. But I believe both Butrains and Lidocaine patches are processed in the liver not kidneys.

I’m waiting to see a pain management consultant next month but have to have major dental work and also have gastroscopy coming soon so lots of pain and strict instructions to avoid Lansoperazole for the next 3 weeks so I stick to Ranitidine, Paracetamol and cut up Lidocaine patches and this seems to work okay.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to

Twitchytoes was your stomachs ok before starting the patches ?

in reply to Vonnie10

My stomach is always delicate and I’m not allowed NSAIDs. But I was given the lidocaine patches after breaking ribs due to a bad fall. I had severe bruising and hematoma so the A&E and GPs were sufficiently concerned they gave me these patches. I don’t really know if this made my stomach worse - I don’t think so. I also was given Nefopam to take at regular intervals. It is meant to be kinder to the kidneys and liver - not sure which family it belongs to but it did help although it dried my mouth out a lot.

crashdoll profile image

Hi Vonnie, I was on buprenorphine patches. I think it was 5mcg but it’s been nearly a year so cannot recall. It’s in the opioid family, as opposed to the anti inflammatory family but, give your kidney issues, I would recommend you have a chat with someone. Pharmacists are a highly underrated and underused resource. They are experts in medications and in many ways, know more about the properties of medications than doctors. Can you pop down to a pharmacy and talk it through with someone?

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to crashdoll

Doll that’s the one...I will speak to at the pharmacy department my stomachs isn’t right if it’s not one thing it’s another... and I’m not taking more tablets they can get lost with that...does anyone know what there doing....?

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Vonnie10

Doll my doctor says it’s got inflammation in it , must be the drug of chooses for now till it’s not.. hope your well.

Amy65 profile image

Hi Connie 10 I have ckd stage 3b caused by braids drug arcoxia so know how u feel .my rheaumtoglist put me on Bute patches 15mg it does cause nausea and upset stomach .but if u bare with it .it gets better amy

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Amy65

Amy I can’t bare it no more my stomachs is been destroyed I’m not prepared to let that happen to myself.. I’m glad your 👌

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