Just diagnosed with RA April 2017. Started on Methotrexate right away. Added 7 weeks ago Plaquinal. Quite a shock the whole diagnosis. Have had good reports from my Rheumatologist last week. Anyone else on this combination and what can I expect.
New to RA: Just diagnosed with RA April 2017. Started... - NRAS
New to RA

Good Luck 00424291 . I'm not on your exact combination, but there seem to be similar patterns for all medications, ie up to 3 months or more (if you are ok on that medication) till you get full benefits. It does take time to adjust to the diagnosis and the medication, so be kind to yourself and accept help if offered. Look for information from NRAS or Arthritis UK and don't scare yourself with stories from the internet, often by people who were diagnosed before there were the wide range of medication options available to us now. So glad you have found this community on line, folk here have a lot of experience between them and are always ready to offer support and sympathy, no matter what your question.
Just to say that there are several members here for whom MTX has worked for several years to keep their RA/RD under control so there's reason to be optimistic that this might be true for you
It is a shock being diagnosed, so hope you're coming to terms with it now and able to get on with your life. I'm now on triple therapy (Methotrexate, hydroxy and sulphasalazine) but I was on the same combination as you in the early stages. It worked well, just not quite enough so had to add in the third drug.
Dear New to RA: I'm sorry. Sorry that you have to deal with this disease. it took me a long time to fully believe that I was diagnosed with RA, after being very, very healthy all of my life. The good news is that there are very good treatments available and some people go into remission. So, there's hope. Like many, I started with MTX and have added meds along the way (Plaquenil, Humira, Enbrel, Prednisone and others). I was not helped very much on Plaquenil; however, MTX has been terrific for me. I do subcutaneous injections and find no problems with my liver enzymes. Best of luck to you and keep the faith!
Hiya 00424291 & welcome. I'm pleased to hear you've had encouraging results, that's what we all aim for & is particularly good considering you've only been diagnosed 4 months or so. With a fair wind you should find things easier, if not your doses can be increased, except in the case of HCQ, 400mg is the max dose for that, but your MTX can be increased, 25 or 30mg is generally the max dose.
I tried HCQ & MTX early on following diagnosis. The HCQ stopped working so after some trial & error I ended up on a higher dose MTX but changed to injections plus a months course of steroids & new NSAID. I've now been on MTX 8 years & my latest added DMARD is leflunomide. I do well generally, eat healthily, exercise & save for the odd flare usually self imposed (will we ever learn) or stress-related everything's fine, you hopefully will be too.
Thanks for your reply. I tried the lethlunomide but my liver didn't like it.
I'm sorry to hear that. I have read up on liver issues on leflunomide, concerns over silent liver fibrosis, though it would seem it's related to the cumulative dose & when used in conjunction with methotrexate (double therapy I'm currently on) & the length of time MTX has been prescribed. Needless to say it's a concern I have as it's not always detectable from raised liver enzymes.
I hope all's well for you now?
Hi, I started on prednisone, methotrexate, and plaquinal, they worked well for awhile but I had to eventually go to infusions of remicade with them. I tried to get off prednisone but if I go below 3 mg the pain comes back, so my RA doctor states my body needs the prednisone. Hang in there, I feel blessed, even though I hate taking all this medicine. I have some pain, but it is not bad so I just ignore it. Hang in there........