I,m new here,9months diagnosed with r.a. still struggling to get a stable condition.
R.A. Sufferer.: I,m new here,9months diagnosed with r.a... - NRAS
R.A. Sufferer.

Welcome ruby sommer wish it was in better circumstances hope your not in to much pain , everybody's here to help each other xxx
Sorry you are here but it can take a long time to find the right combination of drugs to control your RD. As each drug can take up to 3 months to take full effect it is a long drawn out process and the first drug you try may not be the one for you or may need another added to it. Each hospital has its own protocol regarding the order in which drugs offered. Either NRAS or Arthritis research websites are good for information regarding drugs, working and life with RD. Farm
Welcome Ruby_sommer, keep your chin up, hopefully things will work out for you over time \m/ \m/
Hiya Ruby_sommer & welcome. It can take some time to settle into your meds & for them to be effective. Unfortunately it's often a case of suck it & see but there are options available for your Rheumy to prescribe if things aren't going too well. I sometimes wish there was one drug which treats all but as different as we all are so are our responses to them. Keep on keeping on & you'll get there.
I hope you enjoy being here with us. We're a variegated bunch all with a common bond! I'm seropositive, diagnosed in 2008 & on my second & third DMARD (methotrexate & sulfasalazine) plus the usual add ons but my first was hydroxychloroquine. I was also diagnosed with OA at ny diagnostic appointment. We've lots of knowledge & experiences to share so if you have any questions ask away & I hope you'll share your experience so far too.
Hi Ruby_sommer......I'm new here too.....bit daunting really. First time I have joined an RA group......I have lived with RA for the past five years......the first year was the worst, ...Initially, I was told by my consultant that it normally takes a year for the medication to manage the disease to a more comfortable level and slow it down.....true enough was just about a year for me..... We are all different, but I hope for you things become better managed, and...sooner rather than later.....Unfortunately, for me, my RA has become more reactive this year, effecting my ability to function and mobility.... my medication has just been increased, consequently, like you It is a bit of a struggle to get it under control....so I know just how you are feeling.....when your feeling low...I have a feeling this is going to be the place to seek likewise friends. xx
Hello Ruby-sommer and welcome
New to RA myself, only officially diagnosed last week so waiting to see rheumy nurse to start meds MTX. Seems a lot of waiting involved with RA.
Hope you find the friendly forum a good place to be, while you're waiting
Take care Xxxx
Is anyone else suffering with extreme weight loss.i,m struggling to keep at 6st.rheumy doesn't.t seem concerned but I.m a bag of bones and very self conscious.i look like I,ve aged ten years.this disease is robbing me of everything.rheumy staff are all brilliant but the only time they seem to believe the amount of pain I,m in is when bloods go high.last crp.was119 they took me seriously then !it,s a very long journey and it,s hard not to lose hope.i,m sure people around me think I,m soft,senile or attention seeking!!
Hi Ruby;
Sorry to hear your not having a good time with your RA; this department seems to be one of the busiest places at most hospitals.Rumy nurse's are great the can always see you much quicker and are always there for advice and support. They are just as knowledgeable about this condition and are there to help you; as we all respond differently to the medication and treatment plan.
Hang in there Ruby; it will get better it just takes time to get RA to under control..... Once it is you will be able to stop putting your life on hold because of the pain. Yes we can still get bad days but hopefully more good days than bad.... flare up can set you back unfortunately but that's why support is important as you can have someone who understand what you are going through.
Good luck xx
Hi Ruby sommer, I think everything has already been said. Just to say welcome to the site, you will find it very supportive and informative. No matter how silly you you think the question ask, because someone on hear will have been through the same.
Sorry you are struggling at this time, unfortunately finding the right drug for you is time consuming and hit and miss but you will get there in the end.
Best Wishes
welcome to the site, when first ill, I lost weight, but it went on again some timesdue to steroids, and I'm sure you will when feeling better regain some weight