This brain fog you talk about does it give you a bad ... - NRAS


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This brain fog you talk about does it give you a bad memory? I'm doing things are can't remember doing them. This is happening on a large

Trulyfedup profile image
23 Replies

Scale. Yesterday was a blur I cannot remember the day at all. Does anyone else have memory problems. I'm back on MTX and infliximub soon, is it them?

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23 Replies
earthwitch profile image

Pain can do that as well, and so can some of the strong pain killers, and probably other meds too, as well as a whole lot of other reasons. I think if you are getting to the point where you can't remember doing things, then you need to go see your GP fairly soon and get them to assess your memory and brain function properly. You don't want to second guess what is going on, and you don't want to end up in a position where you do something stupid.

Hello BOB here

This happens to me although they gave me the tests and proved it was just an age thing. a

When we suffer from pain and associated things and they say if you are troubled with more than five problems that is all the brain can multi task, so you start forgetting things. Sadly I now understand how this is. I suppose although at the time and even now I need to take antidepressants to take my mind of this awful condition that I have suffered for thirty years.

Many of the DMARDS and -TNF will effect mood because of their horrible indications, also the pain control that we need to take must have some effect mentally over time.

What can I suggest,?? That I will leave to more knowing Specialists. I just have to carry on and accept my lot, SORRY

All the best


Trulyfedup profile image

I have mentioned it to my doctor he says it's the least of my worries but it's a little dis concerning when you meet someone who you supposedly had a conversation with a few days ago and you can't even remember seeing her alone talking to her!!!! The people who live in the house are very aware if it but it is happening frequently. I am on morphine and zoplicon perhaps they don't help also had an MRI and white spots were found on my brain, they are in the process of dealing with that. Thank you for reply maryx

earthwitch profile image
earthwitch in reply to Trulyfedup

I definitely think that morphine can contribute a bit to it. Probably not the whole lot, but a bit.

Dotty7 profile image

Hi Mary

It doesn't happen to me on quite that scale any more but it used to when I was at work and my brain was very overcrowded. Yes, I would forget whole conversations had even taken place, never mind recalling what was said. I forget whether I have done things or not, I find it hard to sequence activities, my brain summons the wrong word (eg yesterday said white when the colour very clearly in my mind was yellow), etc etc. Some days are better than others, just like the fluctuations in the physical aspects of the disease. I have learned to go with the flow, and try to avoid getting overtired or stressed because that makes it worse.

It's normal for me, even if it isn't normal. :-/

Good luck,

Dotty xx

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to Dotty7

Thank you..yes, I guess it's just part of me is awful when someone is telling what I did two days ago and I can't remember...I often try to pretend I've remembered but they know by my face that I haven't. Take care Dotty maryx

Someonesmother profile image

Yes Oh Yes! At work I have done some things that help like making a task list every afternoon before I leave of things that I need to follow up or do the next day. I write notes and in meeting regardless of big or small I take copious notes. Calendars in my computer and phone have become my lifesaver and even then I can get confused so yes don't feel alone. I told my boss I have problems so please don't think I have dementia I just have problems sometimes and if I ask if I have done something it is because it has fallen out of my brain. Luckily she is understanding.

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to Someonesmother

What's your opinion...R/A or the meds? I know we can't tell others anything medical..I just wanted your personal opinion.. Maryx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Trulyfedup

The only way to find out properly is have the memory test from the gp , he will identify if it is something physical eg taking RA meds or something neurological such as dementia , get tested and it will put your mind at rest, oops unintentional pun, and if it is an early dementia there are drugs to help, good luck

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to allanah

Good pun though!!!! Maryx

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to Trulyfedup

What crisps did I say I liked???!!!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Trulyfedup

Can't remember !

Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to allanah

Brilliant...I'm really laughing...bloody hysterical!! Maryx

Someonesmother profile image

Mine has been happening since this all started. It comes and goes in severity dependant on how fatigued I am. I also have fibromyalgia so it could be from either and as I have only just stsrted meds I cannot say if it will be worse or better. Make notes, start a journal of what you did that day and that may help. It is scary though when there are holes where there should be memories.

Trulyfedup profile image

Thank you for reply..yes the holes in the day are terrible...I look on it like a disjointed film.maryx

Hello BOB here

They say as we get older the brain becomes fogged with the medications,

Also sometimes with age we should not take as many tablets according to the information sheets in the tablet boxes

All the best


Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to

Thank you for are probably right I do take a lot of medication, it's a balancing act really. I do know that morphine and zopiclon can affect memory but both are needed. I am going to start writing a little diary so I can look back which I hope helps...I'm 58 so I wonder if it's age as is wonderful is it not? Actually I have a lot to be thankful for..I've got my seventh grandchild on the way so I am very blessed. Maryx

Hello BOB here


Over the last few years I was having family problems and my medications were quite heavy, I discussed this with the GP and was given a course of talking cure with a CPN. We discussed problems with memory and by now I was given additional anti depressents,my memory was like a sieve. Eventually the GP was not getting anywhere with me so the best way He knew was to give me tests for Dementia as by this time I had lost two family members to ALZHIEMERS.

These tests were carried out over about three or four one hour sessions and they came to the decision that some was age related while other was caused by medication.

Also i should explain at an earlier time I was sent to the Nurologist in our area, they also gave further tests and scans and they showed degeneration in the blood supply to the brain, that may have caused problems, it was like a spiders web forming in the brain, although it would not cause the problems they were looking for. This was reinforced as above.

So now my worries here were sorted, I was lucky to have an understanding doctor who realized that the chronic pain I was suffering from was the problem and the fog of medication was not helping.

So I continued my voluntary work and became more at peace with my situation

When I had these tests done was three years ago and 5 years ago so I was about your age. Now I am 63.

If you are not happy regarding this I would actually go and do the same as I did, dementia is frightening, mixed with pain or the worry because of it, you are best going to discuss this with the GP and ask for the tests, even just the basic ones.

All I can say is I understand the younger you are the less chance of some form of dementia is present, although I would still recommend the GP to put your mind at rest

All the best


Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to

Thank you so much for your reply...I was told I had escemia (can't spell it...I've forgotten!!!). Also there is a little nerve damage on the right side of brain where the spots are....I'm just a little concerned as it's so awful family and friends know and are very good but it's me it's I said I am on a lot of pain relief and I know sleeping pills can play with the memory. I do have a great sense of humour which helps. I will def talk to my GP about it, I have a wonderful doctor, I see him each week and he has a great sense of humour and is an excellent doctor to I am very lucky. Maryx

Dogrose profile image

My memory isn't what it used to be but not terrible, I am also on MTX (very low dose) and Infliximab and after the last infusion (my fourth) I feel amazingly better, very little joint pain and my mind feels clearer, I'm hoping it lasts until the next infusion and this will be my life from now on!


Trulyfedup profile image

I really hope it lasts too that is good news for you. Do you have it every 8 weeks? I hope it stays that way for you. Maryx

farjer121 profile image

Mary(?), sorry to hear your suffering from "Brain Fog"... I see, like me, your on MTX!

I have been on this and other drugs for about 9 years but in the last 3 have had my dose increased to 25mg weekly as the PsA takes hold. Been on Anti TNFs for about 3 years too.

Right from the start of taking MTX I noticed I was mentally slower, but no problem, just do things slowly.

BUT in the last 3 years, on the higher dose, I started to lose it, got so bad thought I was suffering early onset dementia... Word recall, What I did in the last 30mins, What I did yesterday all gone AND couldnt keep a thought in my head (cos it would go in 5mins, small jotter pad)! !

After a long fight with work who would not listen, took medical retirement cos my PsA was very activeand slowed me down and recall and judgement on property law matters was compromised.

Also Statins can do this... Was diagnosed with T2 Diabetis and in the early years your memory also suffers... And as others have said fatigue due to the RA/PsA will contribute.

Well, in my opinion its the MTX (and other matters) which does not help... my nurse who helped me with my MTX injections said "Yes there is anecdotal evidence to say MTX causes memory problems".

But my Consultant doesnt believe this to be the case.

My own investigations produced a short 2011/2 American Study on mice and MTX doses which showed they suffered memory problems. That the defect is persistant once doses stop! And as MTX is a Chemo Drug the affects on Short Term Memory in Cancer patients is well known... See article below.

Hope this helps, as others have said, take things slowly, dont fight it, go with the flow but do exercise your brain...

My kids old Nintendo DS and Dr Kawashima's Brain Training is fun and helps a little.

All the best,


Trulyfedup profile image
Trulyfedup in reply to farjer121

Hi, thank you for your lovely and informative sound as if you are far worse than I and I'm sorry to hear that. I know how upset and frustrated I get !!!!

I do try to take it in my stride and I have a great family and friends.

I agree the meds don't help especially morphine which I take occasionally .

I'm not back on MTX and infliximub yet got a CT scan of lungs stomach and pelvic area next week so are waiting for that to be done and obviously the old blood test.

Being on this site has shown me there are people far worse than I sometimes that helps other times it doesn't.

I'm starting an Eng Lit degree so better get my brain in gear very soon. I am going to take mt time with it and NOT PANIC MR MANNERING.

It helps that I absolutely love studying especially English . However, it has been a few years since I have.

I feel a little better thinking that it poss could be the meds, it seems to help for some reason thinking that.

Thank you and I wish you all the best. Mary x

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