Any tips about how to get up from floor when you can'... - NRAS


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Any tips about how to get up from floor when you can't kneel easily due to painful knees?

cathie profile image
21 Replies
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cathie profile image
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21 Replies
LavendarLady profile image

Hi Cathie, there are times when I have to kneel down despite the pain (like trying to find shoes in my wardrobe!) but I make sure I am close to a chair or something solid I can hang onto and haul myself up. In the kitchen, trying to get down to the bottom shelf of the fridge if hubby is not home, I use my elbow on the work top, hold onto the top of the fridge and haul up. It is a problem when your knees are so painful. The other thing would be to kneel on a thick cushion.

If I fell over in the street (heaven forbid) if necessary I would crawl to a parked car or a handy window ledge or lamp post and use that for support - assuming no one came to my aid or thought I was drunk! LOL.

Hope that helps. LavendarLady x

I have this problem too Cathie. I think I usually have to lie down to begin the manoeuvre but can't quite remember what happens next & better not try it as I'm alone in the house! But if you haven't done so already I'd recommend trying out different moves when someone strong & helpful is within earshot! I have practiced different methods a few times & it has come in useful. Luce x

cathie profile image

Sounds good. I was ok for a long time with not needing to do this, then started going to tai chi class which involved an hour of moves followed by one of meditation - lying prone. I ended up doing it in a chair, which worked well, but I'd like to be able to do it properly.

LL I was sorry to hear about your own problems, I hope you're better soon..

Woolly - laughed when you said you'd better not do it alone - I'd hate to think of more people lying on the floor helplessly like upside down beetles. So thanks, I will try to get Paddy to help.

Oh cathie I have the same problem, would love to stretch out on the floor but getting up would be such a pain. I have been thinking about it as well as I want to start doing yoga again.

cathie profile image

Can we identify cushions or pillows to use to help our knees? I dont think there's a way of getting up (safely for our back) without the knees. I shall keep looking!

why do you need to get on the floor exactly?? perhaps the problem can be solved by looking at why you are getting on the floor??

cathie profile image

I want to be able to lie on the floor to do floor exercises as in tai chi meditation. I could find a substitute but not if I go to a group. I could/ do find ways round lying on floor but am intrigued to find a way to do it! Never give up!!

earthwitch profile image

A stool nearby that you can grab, pull over to you, then use to support yourself to do a bit of a push up. A kind of sideways technique (a bit like they show you for getting in and out of bed) is better than the usual knees or straight rise. Actually, on that note, asking a physio to show you a technique would probably be useful. Also, for anyone that does have problems getting up off the floor, having OT install at least one grab rail in your house that you can reach from the floor is a really good safety thing - even if it does mean you have to do a shuffle to another room to access it. I have one in my bedroom, but I could really do with one in the hallway, and then I could fairly easily get to it from any room. I can manage to give myself a push up from the floor using the hand piece of my crutch, but generally, an appropriately placed piece of furniture is much easier.

cathie profile image

Thanks. I tried a bit in the bedroom next to the bed, which is quite solid. Not a lot of use, so I'm going to see if physio can help. It might involve confronting pain in knees. If I get any good ideas I'll share with you. Thanks for the suggestions.

lynn-bel profile image

I have the same problem. Can't/don't get on the floor unless I fall on it, which I did 2 weeks ago, fell over on my foot, broke it and had to wait for hubby to pick me up! Luckily I was at a relative's house, not alone on the street which would have been very interesting!! I did Pilates once but did as much as poss. lying on my bed, not ideal, but at least I could do something. Went to yoga classes once, told teacher I couldn't get on to the floor so she showed me alternatives and also I did just the routines that didn't involve the floor. Did tai chi a few times too and I didnt have to get down on the floor at all, so if I take it up again as I would like to, I would just skip anything that involves the floor.

As Summer says, if you dont need to get on the floor then don't - look at adapting all the exercise you want to do so you don't need to get down there. I used to lay on floor at one time to do the Pilates exercises by lowering myself down from the sofa to floor and then scoot on bottom back over to the sofa and lever myself up with elbows on the sofa, but this got to be too much effort every time I wanted to exercise so now I exercise by walking, my Wii Fit Plus. I meditate but sit on my coffee table not the floor and no need to cross my legs to do it. My wrists are bad as well, so makes it more difficult.

At home I've made sure everything I need to get to on a regular basis is within reach without kneeling and my hubby Paul takes care of anything else. The water mains tap is not accessible to me without getting on to the kitchen floor, which bothers me but if I had to turn it off I would do it by gently lowering myself down on to my derriere from the stairs that rise up at the end of the kitchen, and sliding along the floor to do it and then sliding back towards the stairs and again, using elbows to lever myself up.

I hadn't thought of asking physio for ideas or help, but that's probably a good idea.

I guess it's really a case of adapting what we can to suit us and using alternatives to what we have normally been used to.

Best of luck to you and just be careful!!!

Lynn x

emmawesley profile image

Problem I have is my knees are sore and so are my hands so I cant push up with anything because I cant use my hands either ! So.. I very rarely get on the floor! If I do, I prepare for lots of pain to get back up. No such thing as pain free getting up off the floor!

Pands profile image

If I have to get down on the floor (try to avoid!) I have to lean down and support my weight on my fists (wrists fused so don't bend) and then to get back up again I use the nifty elbows-on-something-behind-me move to lever myself up. I find it slightly embarassing out and about as people don't understand why I can't just kneel down with my children or sit round on the floor with the other mums without a big effort.

SallySue profile image

I can relate! I know this is an old post, but your question popped up while I was searching google for better answers for how to get up from the floor. My husband has to ungracefully yank me up anytime I fall, which has been putting a great amount of strain on his back & on my arms so I am in desperate need of finding another answer. I can't tolerate kneeling because I have one knee that barely bends at all. My therapist suggested some expensive lifting equipment (a hoyer lift), but I can't afford it & don't have space to store it. While searching today I found a link to this video on the disabled world website. It gave me a few interesting ideas to try next time I fall. I believe at least one or two of them are going to help. Other than this, I haven't found anything else that looks promising, but will keep you posted if I find something more. "How to get up from the floor - MacGyver style!"

cathie profile image

Thankyou for this. I've started to see a new physio and am going to ask her advice. We're focusing on knees because my rheumy wants me to have knee surgery but I don't want to until my muscles are better. Everything I read about this says the op is more successful if your legs are stronger. I'll look at video next, thanks

SallySue profile image

I can relate! My husband has to pull me up every time I fall, which hurts us both. I can't bend my right knee so kneeling/crawling is off limits. I just found your question while hunting on google for better answers. I also found a link to this video on the disabled world website, which has some answers I am anxious to try out. I will hold off until the next time I am on the floor & need them, but I believe one or two will work. If I find more in my searches I will let you know. "How to get up from the floor - MacGyver style!"

SallySue profile image

Somehow there was a glitch in the computer. When I logged on I see it resent the last post, though it looks like it already arrived once....strange...sorry...

My therapists are also strongly encouraging me to get a knee surgery, but I am trying to put if off and find work-arounds for as long as I can. I don't do well with anesthesia. You are wise in trying to get everything else stronger. Good luck! I hope it goes well.

SallySue profile image

Ah. I see now. When I first attempted to write a response yesterday the computer kept telling me there were errors with my message and then it disappeared. I typed a new one & it seems they have both shown up at different times. Sorry for the confusion. I am new to this...

This really matters to me! Even when my knees aren't painful I find it hard to get up from the floor. My own approach is simply to practice techniques and it is getting easier.

cathie profile image

Thankyou Sally Sue and Postle. Everything I read says get stronger then think about surgery. I enjoyed the video, thought it looked quite easier though I'm sure less in practice!

BeckyatRSVP profile image

I am not an expert, but I do lead a senior exercise class. My knees cannot tolerate kneeling, so this is how I get down to the floor and back up. I step back with my right leg, and place my left hand on my left knee. I then bend my knees until I can place my right fingertips on the floor. Then place left finger tips on floor, and I am in a runner's starting position. Now I spread my hands farther apart to create a wider base of balance. Then I can easily lower my right hip to the floor. To get up, I go through the motions in reverse order, starting on my right hip with left foot on the floor, put both hands on the floor, widely spread apart, then lift right hip with right foot extended back behind left foot. Bring hands closer together and walk them toward your body until you can stand up straight. Wish I could do a video to show this, hope the explanation makes sense!

cathie profile image
cathie in reply to BeckyatRSVP

My query was a while ago so thanks for responding! I've now got two new knees which has helped a lot. I think your ideas great, but I'd probably get a pillow or cushion for the knees.

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