Welp, today’s the day. I’ve had 3 exchanges a day everyday in PD training for the last week or so and today was my first one at home. Yesterday I got a start with some supplies and was able to clean out a drawer to store everything. I decided to use a comfy chair in the living room and a nearby coffee table as my set up, and had my dialysis nurse come over this morning for the first one to supervise, and help me feel more comfortable I suppose.
Surprise surprise I did my exchange just as per usual and everything went alright! I will admit when I’m filling it’s always a bit painful, or, uncomfortable at least. I’m hoping as time goes on that will go away? Anyways, it’s just kinda crazy now, like coming the the realization that this is my new normal, every day, multiple times a day. I really do hope everything falls into place and it won’t be to hard going forward. and I just wanted to say thank you guys for all the support this far!