Hey there ... my Niece had an Acute Renal Failure about 7 years ago which she recovered quite well from . Of late she has been losing weight as she has not been eating well . But she is chirpy and active ( at times hyper when playing ) . She is underweight but within her growth percentile.
Just last week she had trouble swallowing .She’ll chew some food and then spit out ( not vomit / or cough up ) remnants ( about a 1/4 of what was chewed) . Took her to the ER twice and the doctor checked her throat out and even did an x-ray of her throat . She said it was fine .
She has a yearly appointment with her doc where a renal blood test is taken .everything has been normal up till now with this “spitting out food episode”.
My sister has scheduled an earlier appointment with the ENT specialist to have her checked out completely to see what’s going on .
Any feedback / help at this stage from all of you would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance .
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