I had covid and it screwed up my kidneys mo... - Kidney Disease
I had covid and it screwed up my kidneys egfr 41 and he says keep it stuck here.ideas?

Not sure what you are asking for.... what does keep it simply mean? Are you looking for ways to improve your GFR? It all depends. Some suggestions are plant-based diet, or a renal diet, check your medications to make sure they are all renal safe and stay hydrated. There are tons of other suggestions literally in previous posts and tons of information out there on the Internet with things to help with CKD. YOU have to do your homework.
I. Know I've read the other posts but the doctors remark about keeping it simple mystified me.i am doing a lot of reading and getting a lot of different answers.thank you for the heads up
Sort of a crappy answer from your doctor. Since we do not know your medical history, we are limited in what we can offer for you. So basically, I would recommend you see a renal dietician who can help you with your meals and snacks and such. There is much in that area that has proven to help CKD. Plant based is definitely a help but again needs oversite from a good dietician. Even if you cut down on meat, especially red meat, there is an advantage. Limit processed foods at all costs. Limit diary since milk proteins can be hard on the kidney, but not as hard as meat protein. Limit your salt intake and become familiar with reading food labels for hidden additives. Drink plenty of water, which again your doctor should tell you how much since we do not know if you have heart issues or edema. This is why I would be thinking about a new doctor, someone who wouldn't give you a crappy line like your current doctor. My husband had a doctor who was running all sorts of tests on him and told him, when we asked why, that he was looking for zebras! We fired him immediately. NO doctor has the right to be condescending.
Doing it yourself will prove to be the best path. Doctors and dieticians to cover your back but you getting yourself up to speed and driving your own care plan is the way to go
How did covid change your GFR? What was your number before that?
I was at 51 it dropped to 33 and then to 41
I would put money on that fact that if you follow a plant based diet and walked every day, and not ate any junk food, smoked, or drank alcohol, your GFR will come back up. You just have to think of food as your new medicine. Watch your portions, eat more frequently, and drink plenty of water. And take some fiber supplements, which help rid toxics from the intestines before they get to the kidneys.
Wow that's quite a big drop. I'd be curious to hear if covid affects the kidney like that.....
It affects alright. My RD was chatting about it: she characterised it as an under the table Tsunami. Since kidney disease/injury is silent, a lot if folk affected by Covid won't know their kidneys were injured until its picked up by accident for some reason. And we already know how frequently doctors fail to mention abnormal eGFR..
There was a degree of resignation in her as she revealed this: a stretched health service and her own field only operating at end stage. What chance application of early intervention dietary measures per KDOQI2020? Well, zero is what.
My own fairly steady, if declining eGFR took an over 10 point hit between annual bloods and the only thing that was different was a bout of Covid. Was mid 40's dropped to 2o, now at 33.
At least your eGFR seems to be going up again which is good. I don't know exactly what you meant by "keep it simple".
Perhaps your Dr. meant to keep your questions simple. I've worked in the medical field and it is easier for the Dr. if a patient plans their questions ahead of time and even writes them down to simplify things and allow the Dr. to address all your concerns within the allotted appt. time. Could that be what he meant to "keep it simple"?
I like keeping everything simple as possible, it reduces stress on myself and those around me.
I hope you'll clarify more what you are asking about. The others gave good advice about plant based diet and seeing a dietician. You can also get a lot of info on this free Kidney School website Even if you only get a few tips they can be enough to change how you look at kidney disease and manage your disease. I enjoyed Module 5 the most and got good positive tips there. There are other modules to explain diet, interpreting lab results, etc.
Best of luck.
Hard to tell what he meant without a tone. I'd have asked "what do you mean by that". But like others said find a new Neph who will listen and help you and you have a connection with.
Glad kidney school helped. I am still going through all the chapters. I skipped around.