About - Weight Loss Support | HealthUnlocked

Weight Loss Support

114,839 members61,091 posts

About Weight Loss Support

Welcome to the Weight Loss Support community.

We're a friendly group, determined to lose weight, healthily and permanently. All roads to weight loss are explored in this community. We hope that by exchanging ideas, we can all find the best route for us, as individuals, to achieve success.

Our Administrators are all volunteers, who are also on their own weight loss journeys and will be on hand to guide and assist, in any way possible. They will greet you with lots of information on how to get the best out of the forum and whilst it may seem overwhelming, it's important to read everything so that your own journey will be easier and more enjoyable, from the start.

Here's to the new, slim, fit and healthy you!


Note: the community logo was created by Stefania Servidio via iconfinder.com (graficheria.it) under Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported licence (creativecommons.org/license...

Main colour was changed from the original version (iconfinder.com/icons/111820...

Moderation team

TheTabbyCat profile image
moreless profile image
TeamAdmin profile image
BridgeGirl profile image
Grigid profile image
Gizmocat profile image
springersrule profile image
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